ACTSC 200s
Course ID: 003290
Introductory Financial Mathematics (Non-Specialist Level)
The theory of rates of interest and discount; annuities and sinking funds with practical applications to mortgage and bond questions. Yield rates. [Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: Level at least 2A; Not open to Actuarial Science students.
Antireq: ACTSC 231; (For Mathematics students only - CIVE 292/392)
Course ID: 003293
Introductory Financial Mathematics
The theory of rates of interest and discount including the theoretical continuous case of forces of interest and discount. Annuities and sinking funds, including the continuous case. Practical and theoretical applications primarily to mortgages and bonds. Yield rates. [Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: MATH 137 or 147 and (STAT 220 with a grade of at least 70% or a corequisite of STAT 230 or 240); Level at least 2A; Not open to students who have received credit for ACTSC 232.
Antireq: ACTSC 221
Course ID: 003294
Life Contingencies 1
The future lifetime random variable: probability and survival functions; force of mortality; complete and curtate expectation of life; Makeham and Gompertz mortality laws. Life tables: characteristics of population and insurance life tables; selection; fractional age assumptions. Life insurance payments and annuity payments: present value random variables; expected present values; higher moments; actuarial notation. Annual, 1/mthly and continuous cases. Relationships between insurance and annuity functions. Premiums: expense loadings. Present value of future loss random variables and distribution, net and gross cases. Equivalence principle. Portfolio percentile principle. Extra risks.
[Note: Students who have met the ELPE requirement must contact their ACTSC advisor. Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: (At least 60% in ACTSC 231) and (STAT 230 or 240) and (at least 60% in MTHEL 131). Not open to students who received credit for ACTSC 331.
Course ID: 011750
Global Capital Markets
This course offers an overview of global capital markets and asset valuation. Topics may include an overview of financial markets and instruments, time value of money, valuation of financial assets, and financial risk and portfolio management. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective
Prereq: One of MATH 128,138,148; MATH 136 or 146; Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Coreq: STAT 230 or 240.
Antireq: AFM 273, ACTSC 372, ECON 371
(Cross-listed with AFM 272)
ACTSC 300s
Course ID: 003295
Life Contingencies 2
Policy Values: Annual, 1/mthly, and continuous cases. Thiele's equation. Modified premium policy values. Multiple state models: applications in life contingencies; assumptions; Kolmogorov equations; premiums, policy values, multiple decrement models. Joint life models: valuation of insurance benefits on joint lives, dependent and independent cases.
[Note: Some of the material covered in STAT 333 reinforces some of the concepts covered in this course. Therefore students might find it beneficial to take STAT 333 and ACTSC 331 at the same time. Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: ACTSC 232 with a grade of at least 60%; Actuarial Science students only
Course ID: 003300
Casualty and Health Insurance Mathematics 1
Models for loss frequency: Poisson, negative binomial, binomial, (a, b, 0) class; models for loss severity including exponential, gamma, lognormal, Pareto, and Weibull; impact of policy adjustments on loss frequency and severity; estimation; compound Poisson models; aggregate claims models: properties, recursion, simulation, and pricing; deterministic reserving methods: chain ladder and Bornhuetter Ferguson; introduction to reinsurance. [Offered: F,W]
Prereq: Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only.
Coreq: STAT 330.
Antireq: ACTSC 431 (taken in or before spring 2020).
Course ID: 012044
Investment Science and Corporate Finance
Introduction to financial markets. Different return and risk measures. Investment rules and capital budgeting. Rigorous derivations of Markowitz portfolio optimization and its application in investment decisions. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT). Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and efficient market hypothesis (EMH). Long-term financing, capital structure (MM propositions), and dividend policies. Introduction to options, forwards, and swaps. [Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: ACTSC 231, MATH 235/245, MATH 237/247.
Antireq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291, AFM 273, 274, AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391, BUS 393W, ECON 371, MATBUS 371
Course ID: 011751
Corporate Finance
This is the first in a two-course sequence that deals with corporate financial decision making. Topics may include capital budgeting, cost of capital, security issuance, capital structure, payout policy and dividends, and short-term finance. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective.
Prereq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291; Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 274, AFM 372, ACTSC 372, ECON 371
(Cross-listed with AFM 275)
ACTSC 400s
Course ID: 016161
Casualty and Health Insurance Mathematics 2
Advanced models for loss frequency: (a, b, 1) class, mixed and compound Poisson models; concept of infinite divisibility; advanced models for loss severity: combination of exponentials, mixed Erlang, extreme value distributions; measure of distribution tails; impact of policy adjustments on loss frequency and severity; estimation; advanced aggregate claims models: properties, analytic results, (double) recursion, and pricing; risk measures. Other topics which may be covered include aggregate claim models with dependence, time-dependent claims, and ruin theory. [Offered: F,S]
Prereq: ACTSC 363 with a grade of at least 60%, STAT 330; Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only
Course ID: 003301
Property and Casualty Insurance: Pricing
Introduction to ratemaking; rating factors; insurance pricing using generalized linear models; experience rating; credibility theory: Bayesian, Buhlmann, and Buhlmann-Straub; empirical Bayes parameter estimation. [Offered: F,S]
Prereq: ACTSC 363, STAT 330, (one of STAT 331, 371, 373); Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only
Course ID: 009492
Quantitative Enterprise Risk Management
This course introduces enterprise risk management, with a focus on quantitative analysis and economic capital. Risk classification is first discussed with an emphasis on the types of risk most suited to quantitative methods. Risk measures, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Tail Expectation (CTE or TVaR), are then introduced and their use by firms and regulators to determine risk capital requirements is further highlighted. Different approaches are considered for developing loss distributions, including frequency/severity analysis and extreme value theory. Copulas and economic scenario generators are used to aggregate dependent risks. Different strategies for mitigating or transferring risk are reviewed. Additional topics that may be covered include credit risk, capital allocation, and regulation of financial institutions. [Offered: F,S]
Prereq: (AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391 or (ACTSC 231, 371) or ACTSC 372 or BUS 393W),((STAT 330,333) or STAT 334); ACTSC, Math/FARM, Math Fin students only.
Antireq: AFM 422, MATBUS 472, BUS 433W, BUS 439W
Course ID: 003305
Mathematics of Financial Markets
This course covers mathematical techniques for no-arbitrage pricing and hedging financial derivatives. Topics to be covered can be classified into three broad areas: derivatives markets (options; forwards and futures; other derivatives; put-call parity), discrete-time financial models (binomial models; general multi-period models; Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing; risk-neutral probability), and continuous-time financial models (basic stochastic calculus and Itô's lemma; Black-Scholes model; interest rate models and bond pricing). [Offered: F,W]
Prereq: (AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391 or (ACTSC 231, 371) or ACTSC 372 or BUS 393W), (STAT 333 or 334); ACTSC, Math/FARM, Math Fin, STAT students only.
Antireq: AFM 322, BUS 423W, ECON 372, MATBUS 470
Course ID: 003308
Basic Pension Mathematics
Theory and practice of pension plan funding. Assumptions, basic actuarial functions, and population theory applied to private pensions. Concepts of normal costs, supplemental liability, unfunded liability arising from individual accrued benefit, and projected benefit cost methods.
Prereq: ACTSC 331; Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only
Course ID: 003302
Longevity and Mortality Using Predictive Analytics
Kaplan-Meier and Nelson-Aalen estimators for survival functions. Kernel density models. Validation of mortality tables. Estimators for Markov multiple state transition intensities. Longevity models, including deterministic and stochastic models such as Lee-Carter and Cairns-Blake-Dowd. [Offered: W]
Prereq: ACTSC 331, STAT 330; Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only
Course ID: 013318
Life Contingencies 3
Profit testing for traditional and non-traditional life insurance. Pricing and valuation of embedded options in life insurance products. Defined benefit and defined contribution pension plan design. Theory and practice of unit credit methods for pension plan funding and valuation for final average salary, career average earnings, and career average revalued earnings pension plans; post-retirement health benefits.
Prereq: ACTSC 331 with a grade of at least 60%; Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only.
Coreq: ACTSC 446
Course ID: 003299
Introduction to Property and Casualty Loss Reserving
An introduction to property/casualty loss reserving techniques. Claim payment process. Chain-ladder methods. Stochastic models.
Prereq: ACTSC 363, (STAT 331 or 371 or 373); Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance students only
Course ID: 011760
Corporate Financial Decision Making
This is the second course of a two-course sequence that deals with corporate financial decision making. The course builds on the theory of financial management using cases to illustrate a variety of corporate financial decisions. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective.
Prereq: AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391 or ACTSC 372; Comp & Financial Management, Actuarial Science, Math/CPA, Math/Financial Analysis & Risk Mgmt Chartered Financial Analyst, or Mathematical Finance.
Antireq: AFM 373
(Cross-listed with AFM 476)