A R C H I T E C T U R A L   E N G I N E E R I N G

AE 100s

AE 100 LEC,STU,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015319
Concepts Studio
An introduction to the fundamental engineering methods, principles and skills, design and communication in architectural engineering. Techniques in analytical sketching, orthographic drawing, construction documentation, problem definition, and scaled model building will underlie the collaborative development of (a) small-scale design project(s). Students will become familiar with the language and anatomy of buildings, the studio environment and culture of peer evaluation and juried work critique, and the fundamental conventions of design. Introduction to report writing, documentation, and fundamental two-dimensional computer-aided design (2D CAD) software and tools. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 1A Architectural Engineering

AE 101 LEC,STU,TST 0.50
Course ID: 015320
History of the Built Environment
A complementary studies course that provides a broad history of technology as it relates to buildings, towers, bridges, etc. Social, cultural, and economic influences on technological products will be discussed while surveying icons of architectural engineering. [Offered: F]

AE 104 LEC,TST,TUT 0.25
Course ID: 015321
Mechanics 1
Newtonian mechanics. Force systems; vectors, forces, and moments; equilibrium and free body diagrams. Mechanics of simple structures. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Architectural, Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 104, PHYS 115

AE 105 LEC,TST,TUT 0.75
Course ID: 015322
Mechanics 2
Distributed forces, centroids, and moment of inertia. Introduction to foundations and fluid statics. Basic structural analysis. Plane trusses. Beam diagrams. Stress-strain-temperature relationships. Behaviour of members in tension, compression, and bending. Thin-walled pressure vessels. Friction. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 104; Level at least 1B Architectural, Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 105

AE 115 LEC,TST,TUT 0.25
Course ID: 015323
Linear Algebra
Linear systems of equations, matrices, and determinants. Introduction to the eigenvalue problem. Applications. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Architectural, Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 115, MATH 114, 115, 125, 136, 146

AE 121 LAB,LEC,TST 0.50
Course ID: 015324
Computational Methods
Introduction to computer programming, examples of efficient numerical algorithms for basic scientific computations. Programming and problem-solving concepts introduced in the course will be incorporated into projects involving architectural engineering applications. The language of instruction will be Matlab. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Architectural, Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: BME 121, CHE 121, CIVE 121, ECE 150, MTE 121/GENE 121, SYDE 121

AE 123 LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015969
Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation
Charge, current, and voltage. Voltage and current sources, resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, nodal analysis, instrumentation amplifier circuits, impedance. Function and characteristics of basic electrical transducers. Resolution, precision, and accuracy. Basics of data acquisition.
[Note: Normally labs are held alternate weeks. Offered: AE 123 (S), CIVE 123 (W), ENVE 123 (S), GEOE 123 (S)]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Architectural Engineering.
Antireq: GENE 123, ME 123
(Cross-listed with ENVE 123, CIVE 123, GEOE 123)

AE 125 LEC,STU,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015325
Structural Design Studio
Development of design and communication skills through application in projects involving various building or bridge types. The role of structure in the built environment is explored, including issues of materiality and technology. Exposure to three-dimensional (3D) modelling and model building. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 100; Level at least 1B Architectural Engineering

AE 199 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015971
General seminar. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Architectural Engineering


AE 200s

AE 200 LEC,STU,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015326
Enclosure Design Studio
Development of design and communication expertise through studio projects involving various building enclosure types. Exposure to building enclosure materials, systems, applications, and methods of representation. Emphasis placed on critical evaluation, problem solving, and design synthesis. Introduction to industry standard three-dimensional computer-aided design (3D CAD) software. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 125; Level at least 2A Architectural Engineering

AE 204 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015327
Solid Mechanics 1
Three-dimensional force systems, moments, couples, and resultants. Three-dimensional equilibrium problems. Shear stresses in beams. Plastic bending. Beam deflection. Torsion of shafts and thin-walled closed sections. Shear, bending moment, and deflection diagrams for beams. Compound stress and stress transformations. Design concepts. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 105; Level at least 2A Architectural or Civil Engineering, or Level at least 2B Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 204

AE 205 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015328
Solid Mechanics 2
Frames, arches, and suspended structures. Stress and strain transformations. Strain energy. Energy methods. Virtual work. Buckling of columns. [Offered: F]
Prereq: AE 204, 221; Level at least 2B Architectural or Civil Engineering, or Level at least 3A Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 205

AE 221 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015329
Advanced Calculus
Calculus of functions of several variables. Differentiation: partial derivatives of implicit and explicit functions, applications including optimizations. Integration: multiple integrals in various co-ordinate systems with applications; Vector calculus: vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, and applications. Numerical integration and differentiation. [Offered: W]
Prereq: MATH 118; Level at least 2A Architectural, Civil, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 221, ENVE 221, MATH 217

AE 223 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015330
Differential Equations and Balance Laws
An introduction to ordinary differential equations with applications to mass and energy balance problems in engineering. Standard methods of solution of first and second order linear equations with constant coefficients. Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Partial differential equations. [Offered: F]
Prereq: AE 221; Level at least 2A Architectural, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 222, MATH 218

AE 224 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015331
Probability and Statistics
Role of probability in architectural engineering and decision-making under uncertainty. Basic probability concepts. Probability distributions. Functions of random variables. Data analysis. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Introduction to regression analysis. Introduction to design of experiments and statistical quality control. [Offered: W]
Prereq: MATH 116; Level at least 2A Architectural or Civil Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 224, ENVE 224

AE 225 LEC,STU,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015332
Environmental Building Systems Studio
Environmental performance of buildings studied via physical investigations, demonstrations, case studies, and design exercises with a focus on building mechanical and electrical systems and lighting. Embodied energy and life-cycle implications will be introduced. [Offered: F]
Prereq: AE 200; Level at least 2B Architectural Engineering

Course ID: 015333
Structure and Properties of Materials
A basic course in structure, behaviour, and uses of engineering materials. Topics include monotonic and cyclic stress-strain behaviour of metals, and the mechanical properties of irons, steels, copper, and aluminum. Structure and mechanical properties of wood, masonry, cements, concrete, polymers, and fiber-reinforced polymers. Fracture, fatigue, corrosion, decay, moisture, and radiation damage functions.
[Note: Three lab sessions. Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering, or level at least 2B Architectural Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 265

AE 279 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015334
Energy and the Environment
Fundamentals of thermodynamic analysis. Internal energy, enthalpy, and specific heats of solids, liquids, and gases. Energy transfer with heat, work, and mass flow. Energy balances for control-mass and control-volume systems. Heat engines, refrigerators, and heat pumps. Overview of selected renewable and non-renewable energy technologies, including photovoltaics. Environmental implications of energy use. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Architectural, Civil, Environmental, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: BME 384, CHE 330, MTE 309, ENVE 279, ME 250, SYDE 381

Course ID: 015335
Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
An introduction to fluid mechanics and thermal sciences. Aspects of heat transfer via conduction, convection, and radiation. Fluid properties. Fluid statics. Bernoulli equation. The momentum equation and applications. Laminar and turbulent flow. Dimensionless numbers. Closed conduit flow. Pipe network analysis. Steady flow in pipes.
[Note: Four lab sessions. Offered: W]
Prereq: CIVE 105, 221; Level at least 2A Architectural or Civil Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 280, ENVE 280

AE 298 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015972
General seminar. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Architectural Engineering

AE 299 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015973
General seminar. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Architectural Engineering


AE 300s

Course ID: 015336
Architectural Engineering Studio
Comprehensive design project of building or bridge in collaboration with the School of Architecture. Integration of structure, systems, and architecture explored with case studies. Preparation of construction drawings and specifications. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 225; Level at least 3A Architectural Engineering

AE 301 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015337
Building Enclosure Systems
A review of the functions of the building enclosure, and materials, systems and sub-systems used in modern building construction of new and retrofit of existing buildings. Interaction of the enclosure, mechanical systems, and structure, the importance of construction process and quality control, as well as the implications to sustainability will be considered. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 300

AE 303 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015338
Structural Analysis
Analysis of statically indeterminate structures using force and displacement methods. Influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures. Introduction to the matrix stiffness method. Computer applications using commercial structural analysis software. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 205; Level at least 3A Architectural, Civil, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 303

AE 310 LEC,TST,TUT 0.75
Course ID: 015339
Introduction to Structural Design
Introduction to structural systems. Systems for carrying gravity and lateral loads in buildings. Structural design concepts. Analysis and design of concrete beams and one-way slabs. Design of steel beams and tension members. Comparison of steel and concrete framing systems. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 303; Level at least 3B Architectural, Civil, or Geological Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 310

AE 315 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015340
Building Structural Systems
A review of different structural systems and materials with a focus on constructability, sustainability, economy, and performance. Concrete, steel, wood, masonry, and polymer materials, as well as framed, hybrid, shear wall, cable stayed, tension, and inflatable systems will be covered. The selection of systems as a function of occupancy, scale, labour, economy, geography, and climate will be introduced. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 200

AE 325 LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015341
Project 1 Studio
Students undertake a group architectural engineering design project over two terms of their program. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate students' abilities to practise in their chosen area of expertise, using knowledge gained from their academic and employment experiences. Projects integrate all relevant aspects (e.g., structure, constructability, mechanical and enclosure) within appropriate defined social, economic, environmental, political, and technical constraints. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 300; Level at least 3B Architectural Engineering

AE 353 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015342
Soil Mechanics and Foundations
An introduction to soil mechanics principles including state of stress, ground water flow, consolidation and shear strength. An introduction to design of shallow and deep foundations. Earth pressure theories and design of retaining walls. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Architectural Engineering

AE 377 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 016186
Structural Timber Design
An introduction to the behaviour of wood as an engineering material and design of timber structures based on limit states design principles. Topics include materials behaviour, selection and design of structural timber members and systems, including beams, joists, columns, connections, shearwalls, and diaphragms. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Architectural Engineering or Architecture students

AE 392 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015343
Economics and Life Cycle Analysis
Project financing, life-cycle analysis, time value of money, sensitivity analyses, tax, financial implications of infrastructure projects, quantitative decision-making, and financial aspects of a business plan. [Offered: W]
Prereq: MATH 116; Level at least 2B Civil Engineering, 3A Environmental or Geological Engineering, or 3B Architectural Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 392, MSCI 261

AE 398 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015974
General seminar. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Architectural Engineering

AE 399 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015975
General seminar. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Architectural Engineering


AE 400s

AE 400 PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015344
Project 2 Studio
Completion of the project defined and initiated in AE 325. Complete oral presentation, written and graphics deliverables. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 325; Level at least 4A Architectural Engineering

Course ID: 015345
Building Performance Measurement Lab
Introduction to the techniques and utility of measuring building performance both during construction, during operation, and before retrofit. Stiffness, vibration, rain penetration, air leakage, heat flow, durability, solar control, acoustics, lighting, damage assessment, and energy consumption. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 280

AE 425 PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015346
Project 3 Studio
A comprehensive individual design project of building, bridge, tower, etc. with a defined focus on a specific building system: mechanical, structural, enclosure, architectural. Research of precedents and the state of technology will be part of this. Complete oral presentation, written report, and graphics deliverables. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AE 400; 4B Architectural Engineering

AE 450 LEC,TST,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015347
Building Service Systems
Heating, ventilating, cooling, filtration, plumbing, lighting, transport, data transmission, security, control, and life safety systems in buildings will be studied, in terms of function, performance, economics, construction, renovation, regulation, and sustainability. The interaction of systems, especially the environmental control systems, with the enclosures and structural systems in design and construction will be specifically considered. [Offered: S]
Prereq: AE 279

AE 491 LEC,TST 0.50
Course ID: 015348
Engineering Law and Ethics
Background (Charter of Rights and Freedoms), contracts, torts (negligent malpractice), forms of carrying on business, professional practice (Professional Engineers Act, joint practice rules, professional misconduct and sexual harassment), alternate dispute resolution, construction liens, intellectual property (patents, trade marks, copyrights and industrial designs), labour relations and employment law, environmental law. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Architectural Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 491

AE 495 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015978
Design Intensive Special Topics in Architectural Engineering
A special topics course on design intensive advanced topics in architectural engineering is offered from time to time, when resources are available. For the current offering, inquire at the Department.
Instructor Consent Required

AE 497 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015979
Special Topics in Architectural Engineering
A special topics course on advanced topics in architectural engineering is offered from time to time, when resources are available. For the current offering, inquire at the Department.
Instructor Consent Required

AE 498 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015976
General seminar. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Architectural Engineering

AE 499 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 015977
General seminar. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 4B Architectural Engineering


AE 500s

AE 572 LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 016288
Building Energy Analysis
Introduction to whole-building energy analysis. Energy auditing, benchmarking, and simulation. Review of relevant concepts in heat transfer and thermodynamics, including introductory psychrometrics. Interactive effects of building elements, systems, and occupant behaviour. Economic and environmental impacts of building energy use. [Offered: F, S]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Architectural, Civil, or Environmental Engineering
(Cross-listed with ME 572)

AE 573 LAB,LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 016289
HVAC Systems, Equipment, and Energy Efficiency
Selected topics in HVAC systems design with focus on energy-efficiency and environmental-sustainability. Heating and cooling distribution using air-, water-, and refrigerant-based systems. Constant- and variable-flow systems. Heat- and energy-recovery systems. Vapour-compression refrigeration and heat-pump systems (including air- and geothermal-source heat pumps). [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Architectural, Civil, or Environmental Engineering
(Cross-listed with ME 573)