A C C O U N T I N G & F I N A N C I A L M A N A G E M E N T
AFM 100s
Course ID: 015679
Introduction to Experiential Learning
The objective of this non-credit course is to expose students to the expectations for experiential learning, helping them develop the skills and relationships needed to allocate their time and maintain balance across their academics, career, health and wellness, and community.
Prereq: First-year Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Accountancy students
Course ID: 011404
Introduction to Financial Accounting
This course is an introduction to financial accounting. The preparation and use of financial statements is examined. The accounting cycle and assets and liabilities reporting, is discussed.
Prereq: Not open to students in AFM, Mathematics/CPA, Biotechnology/CPA, CFM, Arts and Business, Environment and Business, Science and Business, or Human Resources Management.
Antireq: AFM 123/ARBUS 102, AFM 191, BUS 127W/227W, MSCI 262
Course ID: 011700
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
This course is an introduction to the preparation and use of accounting information for management decision-making and reporting. Cost behaviour, cost accumulation systems, and short- and long-term decision models are discussed.
Prereq: AFM 101, AFM 191, or BUS 127W/227W.
Antireq: AFM 182, AFM 123/ARBUS 102, BUS 247W, MSCI 262
Course ID: 015771
Professional Pathways and Problem-Solving
This course assists students in developing the knowledge, skills, and values needed to manage their learning, ethical behaviour, and career path as a professional with a responsibility to society. The course also provides an opportunity to develop problem-solving, information literacy, and communication skills.
Prereq: Level 1A Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 015772
Analytic Methods for Business 1
This course introduces analytical methods commonly used in business for accounting and finance professionals. The course introduces students to the cross-industry standard process for data mining as an approach to business problem recognition and solving. Students also apply emerging technologies as a means to understand concepts such as variables, data types, subsets, formulas for creating derived variables, and simple models.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 015915
Analytic Methods for Business 2
This is the second in a two-course sequence that introduces analytical and statistical methods commonly used in business for accounting and finance professionals.
Prereq: AFM 112; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AMATH 350, MATH 128, STAT 211
Course ID: 013719
Introduction to Global Financial Markets
This course is the first in a two-course sequence which offers an overview of global capital markets. The course describes the role of finance in the modern global economy, introduces the major classes of financial assets, and presents some basic foundational principles of financial decision-making.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Course ID: 003239
Accounting Information for Managers
This course is designed for non-accountants who will use accounting information for planning, control, and decision-making.
Prereq: Arts & Business, Environment & Business, Sci & Business, Hon Rec & Leisure Studies, Hon Rec & Business, Hon Biotechnology/Economics, Human Resources Management, or Management Studies stdnts.
Antireq: AFM 101,102,121, BUS 127W/227W,247W, MSCI 262
(Cross-listed with ARBUS 102)
Course ID: 003243
Introduction to Business in North America
The functional areas of business: finance, personnel administration, production, marketing, and accounting are examined within differing organizational structures. Coverage also includes study of the principles of effective management and the financial system as a source of corporate capital.
Prereq: Not open to Arts and Business students.
Antireq: BUS 111W
(Cross-listed with ARBUS 101)
Course ID: 015774
Introduction to Business Stages
This course introduces key business concepts required to provide a solid foundation for accounting and finance majors. Topics include business life cycle stages, business models, and types of business decisions.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, and Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accounting students.
Antireq: AFM 131, BUS 111W
Course ID: 016148
Foundations for Management Accounting
This course is a foundation to support managerial decision-making and to enable organizational performance management, including topics such as relevant costs and revenues, the role of budgets in performance management, sustainability reporting, and the relationship between measurement needs and business models.
Prereq: AFM 191; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 102, AFM 123/ARBUS 102, BUS 247W, MSCI 262
Course ID: 016149
Foundations for Financial Reporting
This course is a foundation for the practice of financial reporting, including topics such as the conceptual framework underlying accounting standards, the purpose of each financial statement, and the relationships among the financial statements.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 101, AFM 123/ARBUS 102, BUS 127W/227W, MSCI 262
AFM 200s
Course ID: 015707
Continuation of Experiential Learning
The objective of this non-credit course is to continue to expose students to the expectations for experiential learning, and help them to continue to develop the skills and relationships needed to allocate their time and maintain balance across their academics, career, health and wellness, and community.
Prereq: AFM 100; second-year Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Accountancy students
Course ID: 013739
Introduction to Public Practice
This course focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first co-op work term. Topic areas include professional ethics, assurance, taxation, and leveraging technology for assurance and taxation competencies.
Prereq: AFM 101; Level 2A or 3A Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 201
Course ID: 013740
Introduction to Decision Support
This course focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first co-op work term while performing a decision support role within a public or private sector organization. Topic areas include professional ethics, performance analysis, corporate finance, and leveraging technology for performance analysis and corporate finance competencies.
Prereq: AFM 101; Level 2A or 3A Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 201, 204
Course ID: 013741
Introduction to Applied Finance
This course focuses on the basic knowledge and skills required for employment in the finance area during the first co-op work term. The course covers topics such as an overview of the financial services industry, the role of treasury management within organizations, professional ethics, and problem-solving skills that are applicable to financial decisions.
Prereq: AFM 121; Level 2A or 3A; Accounting and Financial Management students.
Coreq: AFM 273.
Antireq: AFM 201, 203
Course ID: 015775
Introduction to Financial Services
This course is one of a set of courses that focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first or second co-op work term. The course covers topics such as an overview of the financial services industry, professional ethics, and problem-solving skills that are applicable to financial decisions.
Prereq: AFM 121 or AFM 272/ACTSC 291; Level at least 2A Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 204
Course ID: 015776
Introduction to Tax
This course is one of a set of courses that focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first co-op work term. Topic areas for this course include tax law, professional ethics, and leveraging technology for taxation competencies.
Prereq: AFM 191; Level 2A Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Coreq: AFM 205, 207, 208.
Antireq: AFM 202
Course ID: 015777
Introduction to Performance Analytics
This course is one of a set of courses that focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first or second co-op work term. Topic areas for this course include performance measurement, professional ethics, and leveraging technology for performance analytics.
Prereq: One of AFM 113, ECON 221, STAT 211, 231, 241; Level at least 2A Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 015778
Introduction to Assurance
This course is one of a set of courses that focuses on the knowledge and skills that enhance experiential learning during a first co-op work term. Topic areas for this course include assurance, professional ethics, and leveraging technology for assurance competencies.
Prereq: AFM 191; Level at least 2A Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Coreq: AFM 205, 206, 207.
Antireq: AFM 202
Course ID: 013742
Connections to Business Context
This course focuses on developing the qualities and transferable skills necessary for integration, continuous learning, and professional development. The course integrates an understanding of business, basic functional competencies, leadership, collaboration, and communication skills to address a range of business decisions.
Prereq: AFM 101, 131, SPCOM 111; Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 015779
Financial Analysis and Planning
This course develops an in-depth understanding of financial statements as a system for analysis and planning as a foundation for upper-year accounting and finance courses.
Prereq: AFM 101 or AFM 191; Level 2A Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 211
Course ID: 003247
Business Law
Particular attention is given to the law relating to contracts and business organizations. Other areas of study include sources of law, the judicial process, real and personal property, torts, agency, credit, and negotiable instruments.
Prereq: Not open to Accounting and Financial Management,
Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 335, MTHEL 100/COMM 231,
BUS 231W, CIVE 491, GENE 411, ME 401
(Cross-listed with LS 283)
Course ID: 010334
Impact of Technology on Business
This is an introductory course focusing both on foundational concepts and emerging trends in the impacts and usage of technology in accounting and finance. Potential topics include strategic investment, planning and spending for technology in businesses, and current disruptive technologies impacting global business processes.
Prereq: AFM 102 or AFM 182; Level at least 2B Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: CS 330, 480/490
Course ID: 015780
Analytic Methods for Business 3
This course introduces students to the foundations needed for data mining and more advanced upper-year business analytics electives. Topics include regression analysis, classification analysis (e.g., logistic regression, decision trees), and clustering analysis.
Prereq: One of AFM 113, ECON 221, STAT 211, STAT 231, STAT 241; Level at least 2B Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 415 fall 2017,fall 2018,fall 2019
Course ID: 011750
Global Capital Markets
This course offers an overview of global capital markets and asset valuation. Topics may include an overview of financial markets and instruments, time value of money, valuation of financial assets, and financial risk and portfolio management. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective
Prereq: One of MATH 128,138,148; MATH 136 or 146; Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Coreq: STAT 230 or 240.
Antireq: AFM 273, ACTSC 372, ECON 371
(Cross-listed with ACTSC 291)
Course ID: 003257
Financial Instruments and Capital Markets
This course is the second in a two-course sequence which offers an overview of global capital markets. The course focuses on valuation of financial instruments and the theories of financial risk and diversification.
Prereq: AFM 121; AFM 113 or STAT 211; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291, ECON 371
Course ID: 003258
Introduction to Corporate Finance
This course is the first in a two-course sequence that deals with corporate financial decision-making. Topics may include capital budgeting, cost of capital, security issuance, capital structure, payout policy and dividends, and short-term finance.
Prereq: AFM 273; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: ACTSC 372, AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391, ECON 371
Course ID: 011751
Corporate Finance
This is the first in a two-course sequence that deals with corporate financial decision making. Topics may include capital budgeting, cost of capital, security issuance, capital structure, payout policy and dividends, and short-term finance. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective.
Prereq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291; Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 274, AFM 372, ACTSC 372, ECON 371
(Cross-listed with ACTSC 391)
Course ID: 011704
Financial Statement Analysis
This course introduces fundamental tools of analysis and valuation to prepare students to research, interpret, and analyze financial statements. The course examines financial reporting from the perspective of the financial statement user with an emphasis on interpretation of financial disclosures for cash flow analysis, risk assessment, forecasting, and decision making.
[Note: Formerly AFM 492]
Prereq: AFM 191, 272 or 273; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 492
Course ID: 013743
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
An introduction to the concepts concerning the behaviour of individuals and groups in organizations. Topics may include motivation, influence, communication, diversity, goal-setting and incentive compensation, culture and ethical systems, and decision-making.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: MSCI 211, PSYCH 238/338
Course ID: 003253
Intermediate Financial Accounting 1
A first course in intermediate accounting dealing with the theory and practice of financial statement preparation and reporting. The emphasis will be on asset valuation and the related impact on income measurement.
Prereq: AFM 101 or AFM 191; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
AFM 300s
Course ID: 013744
Connections to Ethical Context
This course focuses on developing the qualities and transferable skills necessary for integration, continuous learning, and professional development. The course is oriented around the ethical and moral issues faced by accounting and finance professionals.
Prereq: AFM 211.
Antireq: AFM 431, PHIL 215/ARBUS202
Course ID: 013726
Personal Financial Planning
This course covers financial planning for individual investors, with particular emphasis on taxation and other institutional aspects governing decisions such as retirement savings, education savings, and estate planning.
Prereq: AFM 274 (SFM students only).
Coreq: One of AFM 273 (Biotech/CPA students only), AFM 274, AFM 275/372/ACTSC 391, ACTSC 372, ECON 371
Course ID: 015913
Wealth Management
In this course students will learn core wealth management concepts that will give them a greater understanding of the wealth management industry. The content will focus on key areas of wealth management including portfolio management, asset allocation, risk management, performance evaluation, manager selection, tax efficient strategies as well as the use of new technologies in the wealth management industry.
Prereq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291 or AFM 273; Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, and Biotechnology/CPA students.
Antireq: AFM 416 (LEC 002) spring 2018, spring 2019
Course ID: 015916
Student Venture Fund - Analyst
This course provides students hands-on training in early-stage (angel and venture capital) investing with guidance from industry experts and supervision by faculty. This will generally be the first course that students take when they join the Student Venture Fund team. Analysts will attend investor meetings, assist in market research and specific deal due diligence, and prepare investment proposals.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of two times. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Coreq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391
Course ID: 014473
Investment Management - Junior Analyst
This course provides students hands-on training in equity valuation and enables students to follow one industry sector. As a junior analyst, a student will understand why funds management is broken into different sectors, monitor existing equity holdings in a particular sector, make new equity selections in the sector, prepare equity research reports, and present trading recommendations to an investment team in a student-run investment portfolio.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Coreq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391
Course ID: 014474
Investment Management - Senior Analyst
This course provides students hands-on training in equity valuation and enables students to follow more than one industry sector. As a senior analyst, a student will monitor existing equity holdings in different sectors, make new equity selections in the sectors, prepare equity research reports, and present trading recommendations to an investment team in a student-run investment portfolio.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 012769
International Business
This course examines the opportunities, risks, and challenges faced by businesses in international markets, as well as the preparation required to operate them.
Prereq: AFM 131/ARBUS 101 or AFM 132; Level at least 3A
(Cross-listed with ARBUS 301)
Course ID: 015914
International Study Experience
This course focuses on offering students insight into the business operations of multinational firms and learning the perspectives of business executives across multiple industries in the private sector. A significant portion of this course involves a short-term international trip where students will directly learn about various companies and the international business environment by actively participating in discussions with company executives about their businesses and government officials about their respective industries. The course will also expose students to a specific topic in the region such as "The Impact of Brexit on the Global Financial Community" or "The Role of Asia in the Global Financial Landscape".
[Note: Additional costs will apply.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 2B; Accounting and Fin Management, Computing and Fin Management, Math/Chartered Professional Accountancy, and Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 415 taken spring 2017, spring 2018, spring 2019
Course ID: 016153
Business Law for Financial Managers
This course helps accounting and finance professionals become effective managers and better informed users of legal services. It contributes to developing a solid understanding of the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate, expands on the legal concepts of business organization and contracts, introduces property and torts law, and integrates legal concepts through the preparation of a legal risk plan.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy.
Antireq: AFM 231/LS 283, MTHEL 100/COMM 231, ENVS 201, BUS 231W, ME 401, GENE 411, CIVE 491
Course ID: 003273
Accounting Information Systems
Examines the planning, requirements analysis, acquisition, and evaluation of information systems, with an emphasis on accounting information systems. Introduces information systems assurance concepts, and considers the role of information technology in the improvement of business performance.
Prereq: Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: CS 432
Course ID: 015466
Analytic Methods in Business 4
This course introduces students to business analytics with a focus on problems that accounting and finance professionals face in the real world.
Prereq: One of ECON 221, STAT 211, 231, 241; AFM 241 or CS 330; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 016151
Business Applications of Social Media Analytics
This course reinforces the data analytics process, introducing applications that leverage tools such as text analytics and sentiment analysis to analyze content from social networks to address business problems.
Prereq: AFM 244; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 016152
Applications of Predictive Analytics in Accounting and Finance
This course introduces applications of classification/prediction methods and machine learning used in accounting and finance settings. Samples include bankruptcy prediction, fraud detection, and loan default.
Prereq: AFM 244; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 016150
This course explores emerging issues related to cybersecurity management, governance, and control, which pose significant challenges to organizations in a networked environment. The course focuses on cybersecurity risks and investigates how companies can more effectively protect their digital assets from both internal and external threats.
Prereq: AFM 341; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 013745
Corporate Taxation
This course examines the foundational concepts in the calculation of different sources of income and their taxation in Canadian corporations.
Prereq: AFM 321; Level at least 3A Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 013913
Taxation 2 - Integration
This course builds on the foundational concepts established in AFM 362 by exploring the taxation of individuals and corporations in more depth.
Prereq: AFM 362; Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 011414
Cases and Applications in Corporate Finance
This course builds on the theory of financial management using cases to illustrate a variety of corporate financial decisions.
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 476/ACTSC 471
Course ID: 015680
Private Equity and Venture Capital
This course explores the fundamentals of the private equity industry. Topics include raising capital, structuring deals, creating a leveraged buyout model (LBO), and unlocking value through various strategies.
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391.
Antireq: AFM 416 taken spring 2015, spring 2016, or spring 2017
Course ID: 003260
Cost Management Systems
Consideration of more complex topics in management planning and control. Emphasis is on traditional and contemporary cost accumulation systems and their application in modern day organizations. Cases, simulations, projects, and presentations are the key instructional methods used to understand and integrate the course material. At the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of how the correct choice of a costing model adds value to the organization.
[Note: Formerly AFM 481]
Prereq: AFM 102 or AFM 191; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 481
Course ID: 003261
Intermediate Financial Accounting 2
This is an intermediate financial accounting course that deals with problems related to the measurement of liabilities, measurement of income, and the reporting and measuring of corporate equities.
Prereq: AFM 291; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
AFM 400s
Course ID: 003262
Accounting Theory
A review of accounting theory as a background for applying underlying concepts to current accounting problems. Emphasis is on current literature, with a major term paper required.
Prereq: AFM 391 or AFM 491; Accounting and Financial Management,
Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial
Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 014397
Special Topics in Finance or Accounting
A course offered from time to time in relation to a significant school-related accounting or finance project or activity.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Instructor Consent Required
Prereq: Accounting & Financial Management, Computing & Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 013732
Management of Financial Institutions
This course focuses on the economics of financial institutions, particularly commercial banks. Issues related to commercial and investment banking and other financial intermediaries as well as financial markets and regulatory entities are examined.
Prereq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291 or AFM 273.
Antireq: ACTSC 445, MATBUS 472
Course ID: 014855
Topics in Financial Econometrics
This course introduces the use of advanced econometric/statistical methods in studying financial market data, and in quantitatively assessing risks associated with financial investments. The methods presented in this course are tailored to address specific issues of interest in finance, such as the quantification of the risk-return tradeoff, the modelling of time-varying stock/bond market volatility and, possibly, also the statistical analysis of financial derivatives such as options.
Prereq: AFM 323 or STAT 373.
Antireq: ECON 405 prior to fall 2015
Course ID: 003284
Equity Investments
This course addresses principles of equity investments, including risk and return relationships, fundamental analysis of equities based on macroeconomic, industry and company-specific factors, financial statement analysis, and technical analysis. Portfolio allocation, performance measurement, and ethical and professional standards in the investment profession are also covered.
Prereq: One of AFM 272/ACTSC 291, AFM 273, ACTSC 372, ECON 371.
Antireq: BUS 473W
Course ID: 011703
Fixed Income Securities
Introduction to various aspects of fixed income investments, including valuation, risk management, portfolio management, interest rate models, interest rate derivatives, and institutional features of bond markets.
Prereq: AFM 272/ACTSC 291 or AFM 273.
Antireq: MATBUS 471
Course ID: 015917
Student Venture Fund-Associate
This course provides students hands-on training in early-stage (angel and venture capital) investing with guidance from industry experts and supervision by faculty. Associates will attend investment meetings, organize due diligence, supervise analysts, make investment recommendations, be involved in deal terms, and manage portfolio holdings.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of two times. Course is graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 016156
Intermediate Portfolio Management
This course focusses on the theory and practice of passive and active portfolio management focusing on both traditional and alternative investment assets. The course traces the process of development of the portfolio objective and investment thesis, asset selection, performance and risk measurement, and monitoring and stakeholder reporting. The course utilizes business analytics practices with a focus on the role of the financial analyst in an increasingly automated world.
Prereq: AFM 244; AFM 272 or AFM 273; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 014475
Investment Management - Junior Portfolio Manager
This course provides students hands-on training in equity valuation and portfolio management. As a junior portfolio manager, a student will make allocations in two sectors, monitor the performance of the existing equity holdings in these two sectors, mentor two analysts, make equity trading decisions for these two sectors, and present portfolio performance reports to the investment team and the advisory board.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 014478
Investment Management - Senior Portfolio Manager
This course provides students hands-on training in equity valuation and portfolio management. As a senior portfolio manager, a student will make allocations in different industry sectors, monitor the performance of the existing equity holdings in these sectors, mentor analysts, make equity trading decisions for these sectors, and present portfolio performance reports to the investment team and the advisory board.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 003269
Business Strategy
This course focuses on strategic management of the total enterprise. Managers contribute to the organization through their analytical and leadership capabilities as well as their technical expertise. The course provides a framework for developing and implementing strategy that fits the firm's environment, managerial values, and organization.
Prereq: (AFM 274 or AFM 272/ACTSC 291) and AFM 291; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: ENBUS 302
Course ID: 013748
Corporate Governance and Risk Management
Corporate governance examines corporate organization, communication with stakeholders, and decision-making. Effective corporate governance promotes sustainable and socially equitable business practices and provides assurance to shareholders of investment integrity. This course examines the interface of corporate governance and risk management.
Prereq: AFM 433; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 011178
E-business: Enterprise Systems
This course examines the role of integrated company-wide information systems in improving organizational performances. The course will focus on the selection, acquisition, and implementation of these systems, including consideration of business process alignment, change management, and development of business cases to support their acquisition. The role of enterprise systems in inter-organizational systems and e-commerce will also be considered. The course will make use of case studies as well as examine selected current enterprise software.
Prereq: One of AFM 241, CS 330 or 490; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 011179
E-business: Introduction to Electronic Commerce
This course examines key topics in electronic commerce such as the structure of the Internet, basic e-commerce processes and technologies (website, catalogs, customer attraction, ordering processes, payment processes, and fulfilment processes), control issues (availability, security, integrity, and maintainability), business-to-consumer models, business-to-business models, business-to-employee models, e-business strategies, integration of e-commerce activities into other business operations, performance measurement, legal and regulatory issues, and assurance services.
Prereq: One of AFM 241, CS 330 or 490; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 015467
Business Analytics Project Management
This course focuses on the development of project management and implementation capabilities required for the success of business analytics initiatives.
Prereq: AFM 244; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 016159
Information Technology Assurance and Audit Analytics
This course builds on the development of knowledge about, as well as skills in using, data analytics by allowing students, as users and interpreters of model output, to learn through a range of cases that focus on controls for information systems and audit applications.
Prereq: AFM 244, AFM 351/451; Accounting and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 016157
Performance Management and Tax Analytics
This course builds on the development of knowledge about, as well as skills in using, data analytics by allowing students, as users and interpreters of model output, to learn through a range of data analytics cases that focus on performance management and tax applications.
Prereq: AFM 244, AFM 362, AFM 382/481; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 016158
Governance and Ethical Issues with Data and Emerging Technologies
This course examines a host of governance and ethical issues associated with the rapid growth of data analytics and emerging technologies and the related role of accounting and finance professionals.
Prereq: AFM 244; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 016160
Data Analytics and Emerging Technologies Consulting Group
This course provides students hands-on training in monitoring emerging technologies and in contributing through big data competitions. If selected, students monitor emerging technologies and generate reports regarding their state of adoption. Students also participate in business analytics competitions which contributes to student learning and knowledge creation.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 345, AFM 346; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy Mathematics Professional Accountancy
Course ID: 003275
Audit Strategy
An examination of elements of audit strategy and their interrelationships, including financial assertions, types and sources of audit assurance, and evidence-gathering procedures within a framework of professional judgment.
[Note: Formerly AFM 351]
Prereq: AFM 291, AFM 341; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 351
Course ID: 013914
Specialized Topics in Taxation
This course introduces specialized topics in taxation with emphasis on basic planning for private companies.
Prereq: AFM 362; Level 4B Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 015465
Introduction to U.S. Taxation
U.S. tax is an important topic for accounting and finance professionals since the U.S. is Canada's largest trading partner and many individuals move from one country to the other. This course covers the fundamentals of U.S. corporate and personal tax. U.S. tax issues relevant to both Canadian and American individuals and corporations will be emphasized. Important articles in the Canada/U.S. Tax Convention will also be covered in the course.
Prereq: AFM 362, 363.
Antireq: AFM 415 taken fall 2016
Course ID: 015921
Financial Management of High Growth Companies
Designed for students seeking careers within high growth companies or financing/advising them, this course develops the ability to relate to entrepreneurial ventures and provide "value added" financial management. This is an experiential based course focused on small group financial consulting projects with high growth companies in Kitchener-Waterloo or Greater Toronto Area. Classes may encompass lecture, case analysis, guest speakers, and discussion of groups' projects. The course includes a substantial class participation requirement leading to the in-depth financial consulting project.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: AFM 373 or AFM 476; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students.
Antireq: AFM 417 taken fall 2018, fall 2019
Course ID: 011701
Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance
Topics include items such as corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs and divestitures, security issuance, and capital budgeting.
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/CPA, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/CPA, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 011760
Corporate Financial Decision Making
This is the second course of a two-course sequence that deals with corporate financial decision making. The course builds on the theory of financial management using cases to illustrate a variety of corporate financial decisions. Where suitable, topics are treated from a mathematical and quantitative perspective.
Prereq: AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391 or ACTSC 372; Comp & Financial Management, Actuarial Science, Math/CPA, Math/Financial Analysis & Risk Mgmt Chartered Financial Analyst, or Mathematical Finance.
Antireq: AFM 373
(Cross-listed with ACTSC 471)
Course ID: 013730
Mergers and Acquisitions
This course develops understanding of the strategic acquisition and divestiture process, particularly as it relates to corporations in Canada. The course focuses on integrating key analytical skills in the interpretation of financial statements and valuation methodologies in the context of mergers and acquisitions of existing firms, as well as spin-offs, restructurings, buyouts and divestitures of existing assets. The course concentrates on value creation and institutional, strategic, ethical, governance, and control issues.
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391
Course ID: 013749
International Financial Management
This course examines various aspects of corporate decision-making in a global firm, such as cross-border investments and financing, international risk management, multinational working capital management, and the impact of the international regulatory environment.
Prereq: AFM 274 or AFM 275/AFM 372/ACTSC 391
Course ID: 014853
Cases and Applications in Finance 2
This course builds on the theory of finance and uses cases and applications to further address finance issues and competences, including risk management, equities, derivatives, and other investments.
Prereq: Level at least 4A Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 016154
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
This course focuses on understanding and applying concepts concerning the behaviour of individuals and groups in organizations. Topics may include performance management, organizational commitment, collaboration, motivation, communication, decision making, culture, and ethical systems.
Prereq: Level at least 4A Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students.
Antireq: AFM 280, MSCI 211, PSYCH 238/338
Course ID: 011415
Performance Measurement and Organization Control
This course will trace the evolution of the role of performance measurement systems in supporting areas of organization control. Topics will include the role of both financial and non-financial performance measures in: the DuPont method of control, the Harvard model of control, internal control, contemporary approaches to governance, and strategic management systems. After completing this course students will be able to evaluate the nature and suitability of a proposed performance measurement system given its design and purpose.
Prereq: AFM 433, AFM 382/481; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students
Course ID: 014229
Applications of Analytics to Business
This course explores the metrics, quantitative analyses, and technologies used across a range of applications where an investigation of past business performance provides insights that drive business decisions.
Prereq: One of ECON 221, STAT 211, 230, 231, 240, 241; Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 014230
Advanced Management Control Systems
This course provides an in-depth examination of operations management and related issues in performance evaluation and control for various business sectors (e.g., manufacturing, service, and IT intensive).
Prereq: AFM 382/481 or AFM 482; Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy, Biotechnology/Chartered Accountancy students
Course ID: 016155
Approaches to Measuring Value
This course addresses the significant shift in the composition of enterprise value from tangible assets tracked by traditional accounting practices to a range of intangible assets. The course provides a survey of approaches used to identify, measure, report, and create value that consider these intangibles.
Prereq: AFM 291, 382/481; Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, or Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy students
Course ID: 003285
Advanced Financial Accounting
An advanced accounting course considering specific problems of accounting for the corporate entity, such as business combinations, intercorporate investments, consolidated financial statements, accounting for foreign operations and foreign currency transactions, and segment reporting.
Prereq: AFM 391; Accounting and Financial Management, Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy, or Sustainability and Financial Management students