B I O M E D I C A L   E N G I N E E R I N G


In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the Department of Systems Design Engineering reserves the right to not offer certain 400-level or 500-level elective courses.

BME 100s

BME 101 LEC,TUT 0.25
Course ID: 014447
Communications in Biomedical Engineering-Written and Oral
This course introduces first-year students to biomedical engineering with a focus on the engineering profession and technical communication skills. Through in-class and independent activities leading to formative and summative assessments, students will consider and reflect on communication intention, audience, content, medium, format, and tone to demonstrate and improve upon their listening, written and oral communication skills for academic, engineering, and professional context. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 101

BME 101L LAB,LEC 0.25
Course ID: 014448
Communications in Biomedical Engineering-Visualization
This laboratory course introduces students to visual communication methods relevant to engineering analysis and design. Through in-class and independent activities leading to formative and summative assessments, students will consider and reflect on communication intention, audience, content, medium, format, and level of detail to demonstrate and improve upon their skills in graphing, freehand sketching, technical drawing, and computer-aided design (CAD). [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 101L

BME 102 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014858
Biomedical engineering first-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 1B Biomedical Engineering

BME 121 LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014449
Digital Computation
The key skills necessary to develop software solutions to solve biomedical engineering problems. Topics include software development, software design, programming language syntax, object oriented programming, structured programming, arrays, matrices, pointers, and algorithm efficiency. The topics will be reinforced in the context of practical biomedical software systems such as physiological monitoring systems and clinical support systems. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 121

BME 122 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014452
Data Structures and Algorithms
Topics of structured software design, data structures, abstract data types, recursive algorithms, algorithm and data structure analysis and design from both computational and memory perspectives, lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting and searching, hashing, and problem-solving strategies. Embedded programming in health monitoring systems and healthcare management systems. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 223

BME 161 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014439
Introduction to Biomedical Design
Topics related to biomedical design will be covered: multidisciplinary system design, design process, problem definition, life-cycle design, design specification, function analysis, design evaluation and decision-making, introduction to mechanical design, prototyping, experimentation, safety and responsibility in engineering design, design for society and environment, and design documentation. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 161

BME 162 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014440
Human Factors in the Design of Biomedical and Health Systems
Design of human-machine environments, designing for patient safety and reduce human error in decision-making, analytical methods of determining user needs, information processing and human sensory processes and consideration of these elements in the design of systems with humans, and consideration of human physical capabilities in ergonomic design. Topics will be reinforced in the context of the design of prosthetics or rehabilitation devices. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 162

BME 181 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014453
Physics 1: Statics
Introduction to the basic theory and principles of mechanics of static systems. Topics covered include statics of particles, rigid bodies and force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of joints and frames, distributed forces, centroids and moments of inertia, and friction. Applications of mechanical principles to musculoskeletal systems will be presented. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 1A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 181

BME 182 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014458
Physics 2: Dynamics
The science of motion is taught with initial focus on particles, and then progressing to planar rigid body systems. Concepts such as inertia, momentum, work, energy, Newton's laws, and contact dynamics are covered, with particular application to human motions (e.g., walking, running, jumping, lifting, and throwing). [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: ME 212, SYDE 182

BME 186 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014432
Chemistry Principles
The stoichiometry of compounds and chemical reactions. Periodicity and chemical bonding. Energy changes in chemical systems. Electronic structure of atoms and molecules, correlation with the chemical reactivity of common elements, inorganic and organic compounds. Discussion of the structure, nomenclature and reactions of important classes of organic compounds. Stereochemistry and its role in reaction mechanisms. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 1B Biomedical Engineering


BME 200s

BME 201 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014859
Biomedical engineering second-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 2A Biomedical Engineering

BME 202 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014860
Biomedical engineering second-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: S]
Prereq: 2B Biomedical Engineering

BME 213 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014454
Statistics and Experimental Design
Fundamentals of probability and statistics, and applications to biomedical engineering. Random variables and statistical distributions, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing, regression, and experiment design considerations. Applications to biomedical experiments, biomedical imaging data, and clinical trials. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BIOL 361, CHE 220, CIVE 224, ENVE 224, KIN 222, MSCI 252, ME 202, MTE 201, NE 215, PSYCH 292, STAT 202, 206, 211, SYDE 212

BME 252 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014462
Linear Signals and Systems
Models and analysis of linear systems in the context of measurement and processing of biosignals such as electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography (ECG), and electromyography. Discrete and continuous time systems, difference and differential equations, impulse and frequency response, transform domain techniques, transfer functions and frequency response, frequency domain analysis of linear systems, sampling theory, stability, and linear filters. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 252

BME 261 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014441
Prototyping, Simulation and Design
Problem-solving approaches, agile design and development, rapid prototyping, revision control, design patterns, development cycles, and simulation. Topics will be reinforced in the context of biomedical engineering projects conducted in groups within a collaborative environment. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering

BME 281 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014455
Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Introduction to mechanical response of materials and stress-strain relationship. Behaviour of prismatic members in tension, compression, shear, bending, and torsion. Shear-force and bending-moment diagrams. Introduction to instability. Mechanical properties of biological tissues, and viscoeleastic models. Applications to bone, cartilage, and biomedical implants. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: CIVE 204, ME 219, SYDE 286

BME 281L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 014456
Mechanics of Deformable Solids Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 281. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Biomedical Engineering

BME 282 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014457
Materials Science for Biomedical Engineers
Crystalline structure, crystal defects, non-crystalline materials, structure and properties of metals, ceramics, glasses, semi-conductors, polymers, and composites. Factors in materials design, material selection and processing in the context of biomedical devices and instruments will also be discussed.[Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 285

BME 284 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014435
Physiological and Biological Systems
The structure, functions, and properties of the major biological systems (musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular) will be presented in relation to the design of biomedical devices (imaging, assistive, and diagnostic). Concepts in modeling biological systems will be introduced. Various aspects of pathology and how they influence medical device design will also be discussed. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 384/584

BME 284L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 014436
Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 284. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering

BME 285 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014433
Engineering Biology
Introduction to basic concepts of biochemistry and cell biology. Overview of the chemistry of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acid. Structure and properties of proteins and enzymes. Elements of cell structure and diversity, and relationship of biochemistry with cell metabolism. A focus on biomedical engineering with relevant examples such as biomimetic engineering design, system biology, and tissue engineering. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Biomedical Engineering

BME 285L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 014434
Engineering Biology Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 285. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Biomedical Engineering

BME 294 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015453
Circuits, Instrumentation, and Measurements
Basic concepts of hardware measurement systems pertaining to the measurement of biosignals: active and passive circuit elements, Kirchhoff's laws, mesh and nodal circuit analysis, principle of superposition, step responses of first and second order networks, sinusoidal steady state analysis, input-output relationships, transfer functions and frequency response of linear systems, operational amplifiers, analog signal detection, conditioning and conversion systems, transducers, difference and instrumentation amplifiers, A/D and D/A conversion. Examples will be presented in the form of physiological monitoring hardware for vital measurements such as electroencephalography (EEG), electrocardiography (ECG), and electromyography (EMG). [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 392, SYDE 292

BME 294L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 015454
Circuits, Instrumentation, and Measurements Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 294. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Level at least 2B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 392L, SYDE 292L


BME 300s

BME 301 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014861
Biomedical engineering third-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 3A Biomedical Engineering

BME 302 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014862
Biomedical engineering third-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 3B Biomedical Engineering

BME 355 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014437
Physiological Systems Modelling
Introduction to systems theory as a general modelling method, and applied to the skeletal, neuromuscular, central nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems of the human body. Time-domain simulations, sensitivity analyses, and parameter identification, with the latter driven by experimental measurements of system performance. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering

BME 356 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014463
Control Systems
Classical and state space representations of control systems. Stability, controllability, observability, and sensitivity. Routh-Hurwitz and root-locus methods. Frequency domain behaviour, Bode plots, Nyquist stability criteria. Pole placement, PID, phase-lead and phase-lag controllers. Application to anatomical system models, including musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, and to physiological feedback systems. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 353, SYDE 352

BME 356L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 014464
Control Systems Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 356. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 353L, SYDE 352L

BME 361 LAB,LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014442
Biomedical Engineering Design
Design methods: problem definition, requirements analysis, criteria and generation of alternative solutions, feasibility analysis, and optimization. Product development. Design survey of biomedical equipment and assistive technologies. A term-long design project in small groups. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 361

BME 362 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 014443
Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop 1
Engineering design project course where students work in small groups applying the principles of engineering problem solving, systems analysis, simulation, optimization, and design to a biomedical engineering problem of their own choosing. Lecture topics include project management, risk management, standards, regulatory clearance, and certification for biomedical devices. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 362

BME 364 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014465
Engineering Biomedical Economics
This course examines key economic issues in health care and biomedical industries. Topics include the market for medical care, health insurance, various models of healthcare delivery and competition and the role of government in policy, financing and delivery of health care. This course will train students to use economic analysis to model and understand the complex interactions between health care delivery, insurance markets, health innovators, governments, and firms. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 262

BME 381 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014444
Biomedical Engineering Ethics
This course explores ethical issues in biomedical engineering practice, including professional ethics, medical ethics, the ethics of human and animal subject use in biomedical research, and the impact of biomedical engineering solutions on society and the environment. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering

BME 384 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014438
Biomedical Transport: Biofluids and Mass Transfer
Fundamental concepts in systems involving fluid flow. Basic treatment of statics, kinematics, and dynamics of fluids. Mass transfer, conservation of mass, momentum and energy for a control volume. Dimensional analysis and similarity. Discussion of flow in pipes and channels and brief introduction to boundary layers, lift and drag, ideal and compressible flow will be specifically covered in the context of the cardiovascular system (macrocirculation and microcirculation). [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 381, 383

BME 386 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014459
The Physics of Medical Imaging
The fundamental laws of electricity, magnetism, and optics will be taught through the introduction to basic concepts of medical imaging: radiation for imaging, x-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound or sonography imaging, electric impedance tomography, confocal microscopy, fluoroscopy. Radionuclide imaging: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission computed tomography (PET). Emerging technologies: elastography, tHz imaging, molecular imaging will also be discussed. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 283

BME 393 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014460
Digital Systems
Digital technology, combinatorial logic, binary arithmetic, sequential circuits, digital design, and microcontrollers. Topics will be reinforced in the context of biomedical microcontrollers and sensors used in physiological monitoring and clinical support systems. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 292, SYDE 192

BME 393L LAB 0.25
Course ID: 014461
Digital Systems Laboratory
Laboratory experiments for students taking BME 393, focusing on circuit construction, simulation, and design. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: BME 292L, SYDE 192L

BME 399 PRJ 0.25
Course ID: 015625
Directed Biomedical Research Project
A biomedical research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. Students interested in graduate studies or industrial research careers will gain experience in advanced research techniques and develop valuable research skills. A written report is to be submitted to the course co-ordinator. This course is extra over and above the normal course load.
[Note: This course is graded as CR/NCR. Offered: F,W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 3A Biomedical Engineering


BME 400s

BME 401 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014863
Biomedical engineering fourth-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: F]
Prereq: 4A Biomedical Engineering

BME 402 SEM 0.00
Course ID: 014864
Biomedical engineering fourth-year students will meet with a faculty member designated as their class professor. Performance in assignments, conceptual difficulties with courses, interrelation of coursework, later work, and engineering practice will be discussed. Non-credit course. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 4B Biomedical Engineering

BME 411 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 014468
Optimization and Numerical Methods
Interpolation and curve fitting, root-finding methods, local and global optimization methods, constrained optimization, multiobjective and multidisciplinary design optimization for biomedical applications. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 411

BME 461 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 014445
Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop 2
The first half of a two-term engineering design project continuing the biomedical design workshop sequence. A prototype and interim progress report are presented at the end of the first term. Lecture topics include safety and risk analysis of biomedical technologies. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 461

BME 462 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 014446
Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop 3
The concluding half of the fourth-year Biomedical Engineering Design Workshop. [Offered: W]
Prereq: 4B Biomedical Engineering.
Antireq: SYDE 462

BME 499 PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015626
Elective Biomedical Research Project
A major undergraduate individual biomedical research project carried out as a technical elective (TE) under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are expected to demonstrate initiative and responsibility. An oral presentation of results and a written report are the minimum requirements. The faculty supervisor or department may set other requirements. Students will arrange for a faculty supervisor prior to registration. [Offered: F,W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: BME 399; Level at least 4A Biomedical Engineering


BME 500s

BME 550 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015620
Sports Engineering
This course focuses on the application of engineering principles to the analysis of sports equipment and their effects on athletic performance. Principles of mechanics are used to understand the motion and forces arising in sports equipment, and their interaction with the musculoskeletal dynamics of athletes. [Offered: F]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: (BME 182 or ME 212 or SYDE 182), (BME 281 or ME 219 or SYDE 286); Level at least 3A Engineering

BME 551 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015621
Biomechanics of Human Movement
This course introduces students to the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, including motor control and rehabilitation engineering. Multibody models in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) will be used to study the dynamics of normal and pathological motions. Motor control will be included, as well as the identification of body segment parameters and the dynamics of muscles. Applications may include assistive devices, rehabilitation, human gait, occupational biomechanics, and other activities. [Offered: W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: (BME 182 or ME 212 or SYDE 182); Level at least 3A Engineering

BME 581 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 016235
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Ultrasound physics, scanning modes, data acquisition schemes, transducer basics, wave-matter interactions; biomedical applications of ultrasound including imaging, flow measurements, microscopy, therapy, drug delivery. [Offered: F]
Prereq: One of BME 386, PHYS 395, 396.
Antireq: BME 487 Biomedical Signals - Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

BME 587 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015622
Special Topics in Biomedical Signals
This course deals with selected topics at the undergraduate level in medical imaging and diagnostics, biosignals, and neuroscience. [Offered: F, W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 3A Engineering

BME 588 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015623
Special Topics in Biomechanics
This course deals with selected topics at the undergraduate level in biofluid mechanics, tissue mechanics, sports engineering, and rehabilitation engineering. [Offered: F, W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 3A Engineering

BME 589 LEC,TUT 0.50
Course ID: 015624
Special Topics in Biomedical Devices
This course deals with selected topics at the undergraduate level in assistive devices, implants, prostheses, orthoses, biomedical technologies, therapeutics, and biocompatibility. [Offered: F, W]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 3A Engineering