- Because of space and equipment limitations in laboratory courses, priority must be given to students whose academic plan require those courses.
- The middle digit of most course numbers indicates the subdiscipline within which the course lies:
- X0X general interest
- X1X inorganic/materials chemistry
- X2X analytical chemistry
- X3X biological chemistry/biochemistry
- X4X computational/theoretical chemistry
- X5X physical chemistry
- X6X organic chemistry
- X7X polymer chemistry
- X8X medicinal chemistry
- X9X individualized courses (research projects, etc.)
CHEM 100s
Course ID: 004036
General Chemistry 1
The stoichiometry of compounds and chemical reactions. Properties of gases. Periodicity and chemical bonding. Energy changes in chemical systems. Electronic structure of atoms and molecules; correlation with the chemical reactivity of common elements, inorganic and organic compounds.
[Note: Science students must also take CHEM 120L. Successful completion of Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors and Grade 12 U Chemistry or equivalent courses is recommended; Offered: F, W]
Antireq: CHEM 121
Course ID: 004037
General Chemistry Laboratory 1
Selected experiments based on introductory-level chemistry topics. This course is an introduction to the chemistry laboratory environment and focuses on the development of basic lab skills. [Offered: F,S]
Coreq: CHEM 120.
Antireq: CHEM 121L
Course ID: 004038
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
A first-year Chemistry course for students in Chemistry-based programs. The stoichiometry of compounds and chemical reactions. Properties of gases. Periodicity and chemical bonding. Energy changes in chemical systems. Electronic structure of atoms and molecules; correlation with the chemical reactivity of common elements, inorganic and organic compounds. [Offered: F]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: 1A Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, and Materials and Nanosciences students only.
Antireq: CHEM 120
Course ID: 004040
General Chemistry 2
Properties of liquids and solutions. Introduction to chemical equilibria. Principles of acid-base equilibria, solubility and electrochemical processes. Chemical kinetics.
[Note: Science students must also take CHEM 123L; Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 120 or CHE 102.
Antireq: CHEM 125
Course ID: 004041
General Chemistry Laboratory 2
Selected experiments based on introductory-level chemistry topics. This course is a continuation of CHEM 120L, with increased emphasis on assessment of experimental design.
[Note: Students who are not taking, or who have not previously taken CHEM 123, will be removed from CHEM 123L; Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 120L.
Coreq: CHEM 123.
Antireq: CHEM 125L
Course ID: 004044
Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics
A first-year chemistry course for students in chemistry-based programs. Properties of liquids and solutions. Introduction to chemical equilibria. Principles of acid-base equilibria, solubility, and electrochemical processes. Chemical kinetics. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 121.
Antireq: CHEM 123
Course ID: 012688
Introduction to Scientific Calculations
The application of numeric computing software to perform basic calculations, data analysis, regression analysis, plotting of scientific graphs, data manipulation, and equation solving will be covered in this course, with an emphasis placed upon chemical and biochemical concepts and applications. [Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 120 or 121; Not open to Mathematics students
CHEM 200s
Course ID: 015288
Introduction to Laboratory Techniques
This course is an introduction to practical laboratory skills. Laboratory techniques will include: the separation, isolation and purification of compounds (through extraction, reflux, distillation, chromatography, and recrystallization), analysis techniques, and the application of these techniques in synthesis. The subjects covered in this biweekly laboratory provide the foundation for more advanced laboratory courses and the basic training needed for an industrial or research laboratory position. The seminar portion of this course will focus on communication and technical skills; the latter will include analysis of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), use of search engines, and learning of citation formats. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 125, 125L; Level 2A Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Medicinal Chemistry students only
Course ID: 014751
Environmental Impact and Management of Resources 1
Introduction to the management of resources used in the production, conversion and disposal/recycling of chemicals. Biobased versus fossil resources. Introduction to the life cycle analysis of a material. Principles of green chemistry. [Offered: F; Based in Bordeaux; online only]
Prereq: Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry ; Level at least 2A
Course ID: 012080
Introductory Spectroscopy and Structure
The nature of electromagnetic radiation and an elementary outline of quantum mechanics in one dimension. For each of microwave, infrared, Raman, electronic, photoelectron, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the nature of the molecular energy levels involved and the type of molecular information that can be obtained using it are examined. [Offered: F]
Prereq: One of CHEM 120, 121, NE 121
Course ID: 004048
Structure and Bonding
An introduction to the principles of chemical structure and bonding, with emphasis on their application to inorganic systems. Topics include atoms, orbitals, and periodicity; localized bonding models; symmetry and group theory; and molecular orbital theory. The subjects treated in this course are foundational components for advanced studies in all areas of chemistry. [Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 120, 123 or CHEM 121, 125; Honours students only
Course ID: 004053
Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory
Selected experiments for students taking CHEM 220. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 123L or 125L; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geochemistry, Materials and Nanosciences, Medicinal Chemistry, or Science and Business (Biochemistry) students only.
Coreq: CHEM 220
Course ID: 004060
Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Chemistry of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids, with special emphasis on representative proteins and enzymes, including hemoglobin, cytochrome c and chymotrypsin. [Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 264 or 262; Honours Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science or Medicinal Chemistry.
Antireq: CHEM 237, CHEM 239, NE 224
Course ID: 004061
Introductory Biochemistry
An introduction to the chemistry of amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Structure and properties of proteins and enzymes. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: One of CHEM 262, 264, 266.
Antireq: CHEM 233, CHEM 239, NE 224
Course ID: 012081
Mathematical Methods for Chemistry
Mathematical techniques useful for chemistry students. Introduction to complex numbers, plus topics chosen from: calculus; differential equations; vector spaces and vector algebra; matrices and determinants; elementary probability theory; basic group theory and symmetry. Applications to problems of chemical interest. [Offered: F]
Prereq: One of MATH 128, 138, 148; Not open to students in the Faculty of Mathematics
Course ID: 004063
Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1
This laboratory provides an introduction to physical chemistry experimentation. The experiments are designed to illustrate the principles and theories of thermodynamics and employ a variety of important techniques, including spectroscopy, conductivity, and calorimetry. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 140; Honours students only
Course ID: 004064
Introductory Chemical Thermodynamics
An introduction to the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics and the application of these laws to ideal systems, mixtures, and chemical reactions. Thermodynamic principles are used to study changes in state, including phase changes, and to establish the link between the equilibrium constant and the properties of the substances involved in a chemical reaction. [Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 123 or CHEM 125; One of MATH 128, 138, 148; Honours students only.
Antireq: PHYS 358, ECE 403
Course ID: 004029
Organic Chemistry for Engineering
Bonding, structure, and nomenclature in organic chemistry. Physical properties and simple reactions associated with the important functional groups. [Offered: F,W]
Prereq: One of BME 186, CHE 102, NE 121; Engineering students only.
Coreq: CHEM 262L (for Chemical Engineering students only).
Antireq: CHEM 264, 266, NE 122/222
Course ID: 004068
Organic Chemistry 1
Structure and bonding in organic chemistry. Isomerism and stereoisomerism in organic compounds. Acidity of organic compounds and substituent effects on acidity. Reaction mechanisms and energetics. Chemistry of alkanes, haloalkanes, alcohols and ethers, alkenes and alkynes. [Offered: F, S]
Prereq: CHEM 123 or CHEM 125; Honours students only.
Antireq: CHEM 262, 266, NE 122/222
Course ID: 004069
Organic Chemistry 2
Nucleophilic addition and substitution at CO carbon. Aromaticity and simple MO theory of conjugated systems. Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions. Applications of spectroscopic techniques in organic chemistry. [Offered: W,S]
Prereq: CHEM 264; Honours students only.
Antireq: CHEM 267
Course ID: 004071
Basic Organic Chemistry 1
Structure, nomenclature, and reactions of important classes of organic compounds. Stereochemistry and its role in reaction mechanisms. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 120, 123 or CHEM 121, 125.
Antireq: CHEM 262, 264, NE 122/222
Course ID: 004073
Basic Organic Chemistry 2
A continuation of the concepts of CHEM 266, including material on amines, aromatics, enols and enolates, and nucleophilic addition and substitution at the carbonyl group. Introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy. [Offered: W]
Prereq: One of CHEM 262, 264, 266, NE 122/222.
Antireq: CHEM 265
CHEM 300s
Course ID: 014753
Environmental Impact and Management of Resources 2
Indices and methods for quantifying the environmental impact of chemical and biochemical processes. Life cycle analysis of processes, starting from the extraction of the required raw materials through to the disposal or recycling of the products. Introduction to regulatory policies. [Offered: W; Based in Bordeaux; online only]
Prereq: CHEM 201; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry
Course ID: 014754
Innovation and Project Management
Examples drawn from the chemical industry are used to expose students to a methodology for developing an innovative idea into a well-defined working plan. Students will use the methodology to develop ideas for their fourth-year projects. [Offered: F; online only]
Prereq: Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry; Level at least 2B
Course ID: 004078
Transition Element Compounds and Inorganic Materials
The inorganic, organic, and solid state chemistry of the d-block elements. The structure and physical properties of co-ordination compounds and transition metal containing solids. The role of transition metal organometallics in catalysis. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 212; Honours students only
Course ID: 004079
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 2
Synthesis of transition and non-transition metal compounds. Characterization of compounds using IR, UV-VIS, and NMR spectroscopy. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 123L or 125L, CHEM 212; Honours Chemistry, Chemical Physics, or Medicinal Chemistry students only.
Course ID: 004083
Main Group and Solid State Chemistry
This course provides a detailed examination of the structure and bonding in main group and solid state compounds, including valence bond and molecular orbital theory for describing electronic structures, Hueckel and extended Hueckel approximations. Structures of simple solids, including close packing of spheres and derived ionic lattice types; aspects of chemical crystallography, Bravais lattices, point groups, space groups, crystal planes, and X-ray diffraction; Ionic interactions in gases and solution; the thermodynamics of acid-base interactions; descriptive chemistry and characterization of main group element compounds. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 212; Honours students only
Course ID: 012194
Fundamentals of Metabolism 1
Thermodynamics of metabolism. Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Chemistry of oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis. Emphasis is put on the role and chemical mechanisms of the enzymes in these processes. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 233, 265.
Antireq: CHEM 333
Course ID: 004092
Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
Selected experiments for students having completed or concurrently taking CHEM 331. Topics to be covered include: NMR, allostery, enzymology, electrophoresis, carbohydrates, lipids, photosynthesis, and respiration. [Offered: F, W]
Prereq: CHEM 233L.
Coreq: CHEM 331 or 333; CHEM 357
Course ID: 014755
Methods and Tools for Biosyntheses
Biochemical reactions involved in respiration, fermentation, cell metabolism. Enzymatic reactions and their use in major industrial processes for transforming or producing chemicals. Biodigesters and bioreactors. Critical analysis of various processes using energy and mass balances. [Offered: F; online only]
Prereq: CHEM 233; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry
Course ID: 012563
Introductory Computational Chemistry
This course introduces students to molecular modeling theories and commercially available molecular modeling software packages. This course incorporates weekly lectures and hands-on computational sessions (labs). Examples are drawn from many areas of chemistry to illustrate the power and utility of molecular modeling. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 140; Level at least 3A
Course ID: 004093
Chemical Kinetics
Basic chemical kinetics; treatment of kinetic data; complex reaction mechanisms; fast reactions; the canonical ensemble and the canonical partition function; statistical mechanics applied to chemistry; statistical theory of reaction rates. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 254; One of CHEM 240, MATH 227, MATH 228; Honours students only
Course ID: 004094
Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2
This advanced laboratory builds upon fundamental knowledge of physical chemistry gained in the introductory physical chemistry laboratory, CHEM 250L. The experiments are designed to illustrate the principles and theories of thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 250L; Honours students only
Course ID: 004067
Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Historical background; the differential equation approach to quantum mechanics; treatments of solvable problems such as the particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator and the hydrogen atom; introduction to approximation methods for more complicated systems. [Offered: F]
Prereq: One of CHEM 240, MATH 228, AMATH 250, 251.
Antireq: PHYS 234
Course ID: 004101
Physical Biochemistry
The use of diffusion, ultracentrifugation, osmotic pressure, electrophoresis and X-ray diffraction to study the properties of biopolymers. Hyperbolic and allosteric enzyme kinetics, inhibition, and regulation. Some spectroscopies important to the life sciences. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 123 or 125, MATH 128; One of CHEM 233, 237, NE 224
Course ID: 004108
Senior Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Selected microscale synthetic experiments for students in Year Three Chemistry and Biochemistry programs, including spectroscopic identification of organic compounds. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 265, 265L; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Medicinal Chemistry students only.
Coreq: CHEM 360
Course ID: 004110
Organic Process Chemistry
This course is an introduction to the important aspects of Process Chemistry for the industrial production of pharmaceutically active organic compounds. Topics covered include: industrial organic synthesis and process design, scaling to kilogram quantities, green chemistry principles, process safety and hazard identification, industrial separation and purification, and meeting quality guidelines and regulations. [Offered: F or W]
Prereq: CHEM 265
Course ID: 004190
Introduction to Polymer Science
Basic definitions and polymer nomenclature, molecular weight distributions and averages, molecular weight measurements, step-growth and free radical chain-growth polymerization reactions, chain conformations, glass transition, crystallization, and mechanical properties of polymers. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 254; CHEM 265 or 267.
Antireq: CHE 541, MNS 322, NE 333
Course ID: 012199
Bioorganic Chemistry
Review of stereochemistry, racemic and enantioselective syntheses of amino acids, peptide synthesis, development of peptides into drugs, physical properties and structures of monosaccharides, reactions of monosaccharides, glycoside synthesis, structures of disaccharides and polysaccharides, synthesis of oligosaccharides, physical properties and synthesis of nucleosides, nucleotides, and nucleic acids, nucleotides and nucleic acids as drugs, general drug development. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 233, 265
Course ID: 012200
Advanced Organic Synthesis Laboratory
A laboratory course intended for students in the Medicinal Chemistry Specialization of the Honours Chemistry plan. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to advanced laboratory techniques used in synthetic organic chemistry. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 360, 360L; Medicinal Chemistry students only.
Course ID: 013361
Medicinal Chemistry
This course discusses the drug discovery process and drug synthesis. Topics include enzymes and receptors, hit and lead discovery, lead optimization, QSAR, prodrugs, drug delivery, drug metabolism, mechanisms of selected drugs, and laboratory and process scale synthesis of selected drugs. [Offered: F]
Prereq: (CHEM 233 or 237), 360
CHEM 400s
Course ID: 015287
Special Topics in Chemistry
A selection of current and advanced topics of interests in many areas of Chemistry. For a list of offerings see the Academic Advisor or check the Chemistry website, program electives page. [Offered: F, W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Materials and Nanosciences or Medicinal Chemistry students only
Course ID: 004119
Physicochemical Aspects of Natural Waters
Properties of water; chemicals in the environment; environmental fate of inorganic and organic pollutants; basic phenomena affecting the fate of water pollutants (vapor pressure; activity, solubility, partitioning, diffusion, sorption); acids and bases in water; dissolved carbon dioxide; trace metals in water. [Offered: F or W]
Prereq: CHEM 120, 123 or CHEM 121, 125; Level at least 3A
Course ID: 004150
Metabolism 2
Properties and metabolism of porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines and biogenic amines. Biosynthesis and mode of action of selected cofactors. Structure-function relationships of enzymes. Regulation of enzyme activity. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 331 or 333
Course ID: 004151
Advanced Biochemistry
Nitrogen fixation. Assimilation of nitrogen. Amino acid metabolism. Metabolic regulation. Proteolytic enzymes, ubiquitin. Blood coagulation. Signal transduction and amplification. Biochemistry of nitric oxide. Biochemistry of vision. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 331 or 333
Course ID: 014756
Preparation of Biobased Compounds and Materials
Catalysis and biocatalysis. "Green solvent" and solvent-free reactions. Biobased synthesis of polymers and amphiphiles. Bioreactions in chemical synthesis. [Offered: F; online only]
Prereq: CHEM 339; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry
Course ID: 013360
Rational Design of Potential Drug Candidates
This course provides an introduction to strategies for design of potential drug candidates. It builds upon molecular modelling principles introduced in CHEM 340 and will apply them to specific problems in drug design. Topics include conformational analysis, molecular mechanics, and molecular dynamics; computational studies of drug-receptor interactions, docking of small organic molecules to biological receptors, and alteration of molecular structures for improvement of bioactivity. [Offered: F or W]
Prereq: (CHEM 233 or 237), 340, 360
Course ID: 004194
Research Project
Laboratory work on a senior year research project. Enrolment into this course requires permission of the CHEM 494 co-ordinator. See the CHEM 494 coordinator for course details. No credit or grade will be provided for this course until the two-term sequence CHEM 494A/B has been completed. CHEM 494A/B may not be taken concurrently without prior permission of the CHEM 494 co-ordinator.
Prereq: Level at least 4A Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Geochemistry, or Materials & Nanosciences, or Medicinal Chemistry students only
Course ID: 009910
Research Project
A continuation of CHEM 494A. No credit or grade will be provided for this course until the two-term sequence CHEM 494A/B has been completed. CHEM 494A/B may not be taken concurrently without prior permission of the CHEM 494 co-ordinator.
Prereq: CHEM 494A