M A T E R I A L S A N D N A N O - S C I E N C E S
MNS 00s
MNS 100s
Course ID: 013979
Materials and Nanosciences in the Modern World
Overview of materials, including physical and chemical classification of materials, and structure-property relationships; survey of emerging fields in materials and nanoscience research such as nanotechnology, quantum materials and devices, bionic research; societal impacts of materialsn and nanoscience research. [Offered: F]
Course ID: 013980
Techniques for Materials and Nanosciences
Overview of materials synthesis, including both wet chemical and dry physical based methodologies; basic metrology and materials characterization of surface and bulk properties; introduction to the design, fabrication, and evaluation of simple devices; survey of emerging new techniques in materials and nanosciences.
[Offered: W]
MNS 200s
Course ID: 014028
Materials and Nanosciences Laboratory
The laboratory course is aimed at students enrolled in the MNS program and is composed of experiments involving the syntheses of materials and nano-particles; in addition to their characterization and application using modern instrumentation techniques. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: Materials and Nanosciences students only;
Coreq: MNS 211 or 221
Course ID: 013981
Chemistry and the Solid State
Crystal structures and bonding in solids; introduction to diffraction, solid state synthesis, and thermal analysis techniques employed in the study of materials; defects, non-stoichiometry, and solid solutions; phase diagrams for solid systems. [Offered: F]
Prereq: CHEM 123 or 125, PHYS 122, MNS 102
MNS 300s
Course ID: 013988
Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials
Optical properties of and electrical transport in materials; topics may include insulators, semiconductors, metals, superconductors and their applications in photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and nanocomposites.[Offered: S, F]
Prereq: MNS 221; Level at least 3A
Course ID: 014029
Polymer Materials
Basic definitions and polymer nomenclature, molecular weight distributions and averages, molecular weight measurements, step-growth and radical chain polymerization reactions, chain conformations, glass transition, crystallization, mechanical properties of polymers, phase behaviour and morphologies, and self-assembly. [Offered: W]
Prereq: CHEM 254 or PHYS 358/ECE 403.
Antireq: CHEM 370, NE 333
Course ID: 013987
Mechanical, chemical and biological properties of biomaterials; relationships between biomaterials and their properties, functions, manufacture, and applications; applications of biomaterials in technologies, such as tissue engineering, prosthesis manufacture, drug delivery systems, bioreactors. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A; Materials and Nanosciences students only
MNS 400s
Course ID: 013990
Special Topics in Solid-State Materials
After a review of the essential concepts in solid-state materials, in-depth discussion includes two or three of the following topics: transistors, semiconducting materials and devices, superconducting materials and superconductivity-based devices (such as Josephson junctions, SQUIDS), effects of low dimensionality and interfaces, quantum dots, magnetoresistance, spintronics, multiferroics, topological phases, and, nanofabrication of new materials. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A; Materials & Nanosciences students only
Course ID: 013989
Special Topics in Nano-Biomaterials
After a review of the essential concepts in nano-biomaterials, in-depth discussion includes two or three of the following topics: biomaterials on atomic and nanometre scales in which DNA, RNA, and/or polypeptides are incorporated as components; physical, chemical, and biological processes; nanoscale forces, adhesion, indentation; applications in nanomotors, nano-biomimetic materials, nanocomposite materials, and nano-biosensors. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Materials and Nanosciences Plan