- Normally, Pharmacy courses (designated as PHARM) are restricted to students registered in the PharmD program or who have been admitted as special (non-degree) students.
- It is not necessary for pharmacy students to enrol in CECA professional development as the curriculum includes professional development courses designed to prepare students for the workplace environment.
- Normally, electives are taken beginning in Year Three. Independent Study electives require permission of the associate director (or delegate). A student may take a maximum of 0.5 unit as Independent Study electives.
PHARM 100s
Course ID: 013120
Systems Approach to the Study of the Human Body 1
This integrated anatomy and physiology course and its continuation in PHARM 111 cover all the major human body systems using a systems approach. Major themes are the relationships between structure and function, and homeostasis of the cellular environment. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013121
Systems Approach to the Study of the Human Body 2
This integrated anatomy and physiology course and its prerequisite PHARM 110 cover all the major human body systems using a systems approach. Major themes are the relationships between structure and function, and homeostasis of the cellular environment. [Offered: S]
Prereq: PHARM 110; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012458
Pharmaceutics 1
This course, and PHARM 125, consider the scientific and technical aspects important in dosage form design. The lectures and practical laboratory experiences emphasize the role of biopharmaceutics, preformulation and physical pharmacy in the development of safe and effective dosage forms. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013420
Pharmaceutical Calculations
This course provides students with the tools necessary to carry out calculations in a wide range of settings. The scope of pharmaceutical calculations includes concentration expressions, physical and chemical properties, measurement of quantities, dosing calculations, rates of administration, and aligation methods.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012461
Professional Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice
This course is designed to help students develop the core communication skills required for success in a career in Pharmacy. This is a foundational course. Key concepts introduced in this course are applied throughout the curriculum. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012463
Professional Practice 1
This course introduces students to the building blocks of pharmacy practice including medication dispensing, jurisprudence, drug information and patient safety. Patient care focuses on self-care and providing students with processes for assessing, educating, and counselling patients about non-prescription medications. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012467
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Toxicology and Pharmacology
The basic principles of medicinal chemistry, toxicology, and pharmacology are introduced and examined in the context of the autonomic nervous system. Pharmacokinetics, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, pharmacogenetics, and the body's response to drug compounds are also discussed. The tools and principles discovered are applied to specific disease states as well as physiological systems, including the visual and cardiovascular systems. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012483
Foundation and Application of Health Informatics
This course provides a fundamental understanding of Health Informatics. This will encompass the nature, key concepts, and applications of this discipline to address challenges in the health field. The material presented will target the high profile areas of health informatics and point the participants in the direction of broader and deeper explorations. [Offered: F,S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014639
Introduction to Drug Information Fundamentals
This course provides students with basic skills in retrieving and assessing drug information and medical literature. The foundation acquired in this course will be used throughout the Integrated Patient Focused Care series in critically appraising literature to support an evidence-based patient care model. [Offered: S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
PHARM 200s
Course ID: 012470
Integrated Patient Focused Care 1
This is the first of nine sequential courses that are designed to enable students to understand, integrate, and apply concepts from pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, toxicology, clinical pharmacokinetics, clinical biochemistry and pathophysiology, and applied microbiology to patient scenarios. Students will not only learn core principles from each of these disciplines, but they will also develop skills in critical appraisal, patient assessment, and clinical problem-solving. Ultimately, students will be able to make confident decisions regarding a patient's care plan. The first course will cover core foundational knowledge. [Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 110, 111, 141; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012472
Pharmacokinetic Fundamentals
Pharmacokinetic principles and quantitative analysis will be used to describe the events that transpire following drug administration. The influence of physiological and biochemical processes on drug pharmacokinetics will be discussed.[Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 110, 111, 124, 125; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012474
Health Systems in Society
Building on PHARM 120 and PHARM 129, students will extend their understanding of the Canadian health-care system, including its structure, financing, regulation and policies. By means of relevant health-care examples, students will develop their skills in ethical analysis, and learn to apply basic principles of public policy analysis, political science, economics, and quality measurement. Students will also be exposed to some international drug issues and how they compare with Canada's pharmaceutical system. The course emphasizes critical analysis and writing skills. [Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 120, 129; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012475
Professional Practice 3
Professional Practice 3 is a lab-based course where knowledge acquired in the introductory Professional Practice courses is applied to simulated pharmacy situations and patient case scenarios. This provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their technical skill and clinical knowledge in a practical way and helps prepare students for their first co-op work experience. [Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 130; Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 220, 221
Course ID: 012476
Professional Practice 4
Professional Practice 4 combines lecture and lab components, focusing on providing students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil requirements of the expanding role pharmacists play in providing patient care. Physical assessment and an understanding of how analyses and devices inform decision-making are examples of topics that may be covered. [Offered: S]
Prereq: PHARM 228; Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 222, 223
Course ID: 013122
Medical Microbiology
This course applies microbiological methods (aseptic techniques, streak plating, culture handling, laboratory safety, etc.) to clinically relevant microbiological and immunological practice. Course material is applicable to and coordinated with Integrated Patient Focused Care courses. [Offered: F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012484
Seminars in Pharmacy 1
Through the Seminar Series of courses students are exposed to a number of speakers who address relevant topics within a content area. Speakers may include subject-matter experts, patients, and health care professionals.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. Offered: S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
PHARM 300s
Course ID: 012482
Institutional Pharmacy Practice
This course offers insight into how organizations/institutions manage patient health. It examines the structure, governance, and delivery of services within health systems such as primary care, family health teams, acute care, home care, and long-term care facilities. Processes within health care institutions for optimizing management of patients, operations, facilities, and medications are all addressed. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012494
Professional Practice 5
Professional Practice 5 is a lab-based course that refines basic skills and addresses additional areas of expanding scope of practice for pharmacists. In particular, a component of the course provides students with an opportunity to acquire skills in immunizing patients. [Offered: W]
Prereq: PHARM 229; Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 320, 321
Course ID: 014644
Management Issues in Community Pharmacy Practice
This business course leverages concepts presented in PHARM 350 and applies them to the specific opportunities and challenges found in community practice settings. Topics that will be addressed include business planning and human resource management in the community pharmacy context.
[Note: Selective Business Course; Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 350; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014645
Pharmacy Management in Institutional Settings
This business course leverages concepts presented in PHARM 226 and applies them to the specific opportunities and challenges found in institutional settings. Topics that will be addressed include business planning and human resource management in hospitals and long-term care facilities. [Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: PHARM 226; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014646
Entrepreneurship in Pharmacy
This business course leverages concepts presented in PHARM 226 and applies them to the specific opportunities and challenges facing entrepreneurs and/or individuals creating innovative solutions within more traditional pharmacy environments. Topics that will be addressed include business planning and relationship management for entrepreneurs. [Offered: W, S, F]
Prereq: PHARM 226; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013363
Advanced Compounding
Building upon experiences gained in PHARM 124 and 125 (Pharmaceutics 1 and 2), Advanced Compounding introduces the student to more complex formulations and their use in specific patient populations. Example topics include compounding for geriatric and pediatric patients, veterinary products, USP <795> and its application to extemporaneous compounding, and stability and QC testing. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 124, 125; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013364
Advanced Patient Self Care
Advanced Patient Self Care teaches students to critically evaluate the use of self-care therapeutic options such as natural health products, Schedule II and III drugs, and functional foods in various disease states and populations. Other topics include the natural health product approval process, regulatory issues for self-selection products, and reimbursement for self-care services. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 220, 228; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013365
Global Infectious Disease Management
This course addresses global infectious diseases from a public health perspective in an integrated case study format. It focuses on the role of the pharmacist, mode of transmission of these diseases, prevention, control, emergency preparedness, appropriate use of vaccines, and vaccine administration. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 220, 232; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013367
The Pharmacist as Educator
This course will introduce the basic learning theory and practice that pharmacists use as educators of specific audiences, such as patients, other healthcare providers, other pharmacists, etc. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 127; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013791
Concepts in Nutritional Sciences
This course focuses on the role of nutrition in the attainment of optimal patient health. Topics include nutrition for optimal growth and risk reduction of chronic disease; nutrition in special populations; functional foods and nutraceuticals; enteral and parenteral nutrition; and the role of the pharmacist in nutrition counseling. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 220; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013793
Advanced Drug Information and Evidence-Based Medicine
This course builds on the knowledge and skills students have acquired about the retrieval, analysis, and use of drug information. Students will apply the principles of evidence-based medicine and critically appraise literature in responding to the needs of a variety of patient and professional audiences. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 223, 229; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013795
Personal & New Venture Financial Management
This course covers topics that are relevant to the financial decision making of individuals, with a particular focus on future professionals who have any interest in being involved in new business ventures. Knowledge and skills learned will allow students to take advantage of the career diversity and resulting business opportunities related to pharmacy. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 226; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013797
Strategic Global Health and Pharmacy Practice
This course focuses on the challenges of providing healthcare and pharmacy-related services within a global context. The course will examine how cultural variations and socio-political factors affect drug therapy and patient care. The specific impact of pharmaceuticals/vaccinations on global health will be featured. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 226; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014161
Healthcare Delivery in Rural and Underserved Populations
This course will develop students' understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in providing healthcare to rural and underserved populations. Through lectures and field work, students will examine topics such as healthcare disparities, interprofessional collaboration, the role of the rural pharmacist, and underserved patient case studies. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014162
Complementary and Alternate Medicine
This complementary and alternate medicine(CAM) course is designed to give the student an overview of complementary and alternative healing practices and will heighten student awareness that CAM is multifactorial and often includes belief systems and practices other than drug therapy. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 228; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014163
Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency
This course serves as an overview of addiction, chemical abuse, and chemical dependency and how pharmacists can impact those affected. Topics include prevention, identification, treatment options, clinical aspects of treatment, and an understanding of support systems available for those in recovery. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 220, 221; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014164
Practicing Pharmacy with Diverse Populations
This course will provide students with tools to optimize patient care when working with diverse communities. Diversity will be defined in its broadest sense encompassing a discussion in how differences in ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, etc. impact patient care. Students will learn about the unique needs of different populations and through a combination of lectures and case studies learn how to sensitively and effectively work with a variety of patients. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 220, 221; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014165
Drug-Induced Disease
Drug-Induced Disease will explore the most appropriate interventions for prevention, detection, and management of drug-induced diseases. Emphasis will be placed on the role of the pharmacist as a proactive practitioner in minimizing morbidity and mortality from drug-induced diseases. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014742
Advanced Women's Health Pharmacotherapeutics
This course will examine the pharmacotherapy of health conditions commonly experienced by women across their lifespan. Topics will include menstrual and reproductive disorders; contraception, pregnancy, and childbirth; and common diseases that may be experienced differently by women. The course will also explore the ethics, commercialization, and medicalization of women's health. [Offered W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 222; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014745
Ethical Decision-Making in Pharmacy Practice
This course explores the principles of ethical decision-making in healthcare and applies them to various scenarios and actual cases in different pharmacy practice settings. Discussion will focus on ethical dilemmas where a variety of stakeholders and implications must be considered. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 015867
Landmark Clinical Trials
This course is designed to further student's understanding of selected pharmacotherapeutic topics by reading and appraising landmark clinical trials. Therapeutic topics may vary per course offering. In addition, this course will review the fundamentals of clinical trials including planning and design, conduct, reporting, issues in data analysis, and regulatory issues. [Offered: F]
Prereq: PHARM 155, 222, 223; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012503
Seminars in Pharmacy 2
Through the Seminar Series of courses students are exposed to a number of speakers who address relevant topics within a content area. Speakers may include subject-matter experts, patients, and health care professionals.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. Offered: W]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only.
Antireq: PHARM 490
Course ID: 016356
Seminars in Pharmacy 3
Through the seminar series of courses students are exposed to a number of speakers who address relevant topics within a content area. Speakers may include subject-matter experts, patients, and health care professionals.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. Offered: F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
PHARM 400s
Course ID: 012504
Independent Study 1
This elective is designed to permit students to pursue areas of personal interest and/or to gain personal experience in scientific research through a research project. PHARM400 typically involves a reading/survey based project involving a review of and collection of data from relevant scientific literature, and the synthesis of new information based upon this review. Research may be conducted in the School of Pharmacy, in a hospital, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical company, etc. A maximum of 1.0 credit may be taken as Independent Study courses.
Instructor Consent Required
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012505
Independent Study 2
This elective is designed to permit students to pursue areas of personal interest and/or to gain personal experience scientific research through a research project. PHARM 401 requires a research-based project and will typically include a review of pertinent scientific literature and generation and analysis of new data. Research may be conducted in the School of Pharmacy, in a hospital, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical company, etc. A maximum of 1.0 credit may be taken as Independent Study courses.
Instructor Consent Required
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014640
Symposium offers senior students the opportunity to deliver a seminar in a content area of their choice. Students will demonstrate an ability to critically appraise literature from a variety of sources and synthesize information in both written and presentation formats. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: PHARM 323, 324, 330. Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014641
Clinical Rotation 1: Primary Care
Students will provide supervised direct patient care in a primary care setting. Over the course of 24 weeks, students will be placed in three 8-week rotations where the student's ability to apply therapeutic knowledge in a live practice setting will be refined and assessed. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only. Students must have successfully completed all courses to the end of the 3B academic term, three co-op work terms, and the Community Service Learning (CSL) Milestone to enrol in this course.
Course ID: 014642
Clinical Rotation 2: Institutional
Students will provide supervised direct patient care in an institutional setting. Over the course of 24 weeks, students will be placed in three 8-week rotations where the student's ability to apply therapeutic knowledge in a live practice setting will be refined and assessed. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only. Students must have successfully completed all courses to the end of the 3B academic term, three co-op work terms, and the Community Service Learning (CSL) Milestone to enrol in this course.
Course ID: 014643
Clinical Rotation 3: Elective
Students will practice in a variety of Pharmacy settings under the supervision of qualified preceptors. Over the course of 24 weeks, students will be placed in three 8-week rotations where the student's ability to apply therapeutic knowledge in a live practice setting will be refined and assessed. [Offered: W, S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only. Students must have successfully completed all courses to the end of the 3B academic term, three co-op work terms, and the Community Service Learning (CSL) Milestone to enrol in this course.
Course ID: 013799
Advanced Patient Safety
This course focuses on applying the Canadian Patient Safety Institute's domains to projects with community partners and local healthcare agencies. Students will learn to develop strategies to integrate medication safety updates and implement recommendations into their practices. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 226, 329; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013801
Advanced Therapeutic Concepts in Oncology
This course examines advanced oncology therapeutic concepts required as foundation for patient management in the inpatient, ambulatory, and community settings. Topics include a comprehensive review of cancer epidemiology and pathophysiology, therapeutic agents used in the oncology setting, management of cancer therapy toxicities, and treatment and palliation of cancer symptoms. [Offered: W,S,F]
Coreq: PHARM 323; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 013802
Critical Care and Emergency Medicine for Pharmacists
This course focuses on the types of care provided by interdisciplinary health team members involved in caring for critical care and emergency room patients. Invited respiratory therapists, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, social workers, and intensivists will discuss critical care topics such as sepsis, respiratory insufficiency, toxicology, ethical deliberations, and end of life care. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 321; Pharmacy students only.
Course ID: 013803
Advanced Geriatric Care
This course focuses on key concepts of ageing that are related to geriatric pharmacotherapy. Topics include the biology and demography of ageing, optimal medication use in older people, disease presentation, geriatric assessment, roles for pharmacists, and challenges and complexity of geriatric care. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 323, 324
Course ID: 013804
Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to effectively and safely manage oral anticoagulation therapy under a medical directive. It contains both an online, self-paced learning module and computer simulated patient interactions that are designed to recreate the experience of practicing in an anticoagulation clinic. [Offered: W,F]
Prereq: PHARM 321; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014167
Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacy Practice
The course aims to promote an enhanced understanding of conceptual and methodological issues essential for effective critical appraisal of the relevant clinical literature and ultimately, improved patient care. Key topics to be covered will include basic concepts of epidemiology; data sources and measures; study design and methodological issues in pharmacoepidemiology; and applications relevant to population-based research and pharmacy. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B PHARM students.
Course ID: 014168
Advanced Medical Writing
This course will refine students' writing skills. Students will have opportunities to produce a variety of different documents with a focus on preparing documents suitable for publication. Topics will include audience analysis, modification of content to conform to the requirements of different journals, succinct and clear representation of data and study findings, co-ordinating the editing process with multiple authors, etc. [Offered: W,S,F]
Coreq: PHARM 324
Course ID: 014170
Community Practice in a Changing Environment
This course will prepare pharmacy students to provide services in an advanced community pharmacy practice environment. Students will explore, critique, and develop innovative clinical services for the community setting. Students will also develop change management and critical thinking skills. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Level at least 3B PHARM students.
Course ID: 014647
Advanced Infectious Disease
This course is designed to expand upon students' understanding of infectious disease pharmacotherapy, with a focus on syndromes requiring a higher degree of medical intervention than commonly seen in primary care. The aim of the course is to develop practicing pharmacists with the knowledge, skills, and critical dispositions necessary for optimizing the use of anti-infectives in challenging infectious syndromes. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 232; Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 320, 321
Course ID: 014743
Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics in the Hospital Setting
This course will provide students the opportunity to apply clinical knowledge and skills to manage pharmacotherapy problems commonly encountered in hospitalized patients. The focus will be on disease states not covered in the integrated patient focused care series. Additionally, problems unique to delivery of care in the hospital setting, such as formulary management, utilization review, and medication problems relating to transitions among care settings will be explored. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 323
Course ID: 014744
Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics in the Ambulatory Care Setting
This course will provide students the opportunity to apply clinical knowledge and skills to manage pharmacotherapy problems commonly encountered by pharmacists practicing in an outpatient environment. The focus will be on disease states not covered in the integrated patient focused care series. Additionally, problems unique to delivery of care in the ambulatory setting, such as coordination of care within an interdisciplinary team, working within the constraints of the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program and insurance plan formularies, and provision of best practice care with limited resources. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only.
Coreq: PHARM 323
Course ID: 014747
Advanced Skills in Patient Engagement
Research shows that patients actively involved in managing their health report better outcomes. This course is an innovative skills-based program that combines theory and practical techniques to help learners develop the ability to assess readiness, motivate, and support patients in improving their health. Relevant clinical tools will be introduced along with opportunities for hands-on practice. [Offered: W,S,F]
Prereq: PHARM 222; Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 012522
Seminars in Pharmacy 3
Through the Seminar Series of courses students are exposed to a number of speakers who address relevant topics within a content area. Speakers may include subject-matter experts, patients, and health care professionals.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis. Offered: W, S]
Prereq: Pharmacy students only
Course ID: 014811
Clinical Rotation 1: Direct Patient Care Fundamentals
Advanced practice rotation in an approved clinical practice setting. Involves patient case workups; defence and demonstration of knowledge and application of patient care principles. Submission of a clinical experience portfolio. [Offered W, S, F]
Prereq: PHARM 495, 496
Course ID: 014812
Clinical Rotation 2: Direct Patient Care
Advanced practice rotation (8 weeks) in an approved clinical practice setting (institutional or primary care, depending on prior experience assessed through PHARM 497). Provision of direct patient care in an inter-professional setting.
[Offered W, S, F]
Prereq: PHARM 497
Course ID: 014813
Clinical Rotation 3: Elective
Advanced practice rotation (8 weeks) in an approved clinical practice setting. Provision of direct patient care in an inter-professional setting distinct from previous experience assessed through the clinical experience portfolio and courses taken since completing the BSc Pharm. [Offered W, S, F]
Coreq: PHARM 498