G L O B A L   B U S I N E S S   A N D   D I G I T A L   A R T S

GBDA 100s

Course ID: 013255
Introduction to Digital Media Design
This course introduces students to the theory, principles, and practice of digital media design as they apply to a wide variety of communication contexts. Using design thinking, students will develop creative projects that integrate the needs of a variety of audiences.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: DAC 201/ENGL 203


GBDA 200s

Course ID: 013257
Digital Media Project 1
This course emphasizes the production fundamentals of video design. Students produce treatments, storyboards, and production plans for a variety of short video projects. Students learn a theoretical vocabulary to analyze, critique, evaluate, and communicate about their projects. The course serves as a hands-on digital media lab where students acquire skills in using a variety of software and digital equipment.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: GBDA 101; Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: DAC 202/ENGL 204

Course ID: 013258
Digital Media Project 2
This course focuses on the design principles guiding dynamic imaging, video capture, editing time-based media, and post-production for digital delivery. The course serves as a hands-on digital media lab where students acquire skills in using a variety of software and digital equipment.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: GBDA 201; Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: DAC 202/ENGL 204

GBDA 203 LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013259
Introduction to Digital Culture
This course provides students with a historical overview of various digital technologies and their impact on society and the human condition. Students will be introduced to research methods and theoretical concepts from media theory and cultural studies which will enable them to think, speak, and write critically about technology in an historical and global context.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 204 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013273
Working in Teams and Project Management
This course provides students with an understanding of the human dimensions of project management by focusing on the communication skills necessary to effectively work in teams and manage projects. Drawing from best practices in management and leadership, the course will focus on conflict management, facilitation, team-building, non-routine problem solving in group settings, feedback and assertiveness training, presentation skills, and convening diverse groups.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 205 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013260
Quantitative Methods
This course introduces students to quantitative data analysis, covering basic descriptive statistical techniques and procedures, and inferential statistics.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: ARTS 280, ECON 221, ENVS 278, ISS 250A/B, KIN 222, 232, PSCI 214/314, PSYCH 292, REC 371, SDS/ISS 250R, SMF 230, SOC/LS280, STAT202, 206, 211, 221, 231, 241, SWREN 250A/B, 250R

GBDA 210 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 014117
Introduction to User Experience Design
In this course students will learn the basic principles and practices of user experience design and testing. Students will learn how to plan, implement, and interpret tests conducted on digital design applications, focusing both on functionality and on the quality of the user's interaction with these technologies.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus. Formerly GBDA 103.]
Prereq: Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: GBDA 103

GBDA 211 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013256
Introduction to Global Business
Students will be introduced to basic business knowledge, with a focus on the opportunities and challenges of doing business in a global context. This course will include discussions about globalization, international trade, national business including emerging markets, cross-cultural business environments, and international business management.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus. Formerly GBDA 102.]
Prereq: Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: GBDA 102

GBDA 212 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 015586
Portfolio and Professional Communication
In this course students learn to effectively present themselves and their work through the development and presentation of a professional portfolio. Using projects completed in previous courses, students will prepare a portfolio to communicate the process, outcomes, and impact of their work and will practice presenting their work to different audiences.
[Note: Offered at the Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students

Course ID: 015469
Digital Imaging for Online Applications
In this course students are introduced to the digital tools used for website and app development through a series of hands-on learning exercises and assignments that cultivate both creative expression and technical skill. Topics include theory and terminology, design, typography, information architecture, and prototyping.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: GBDA 101; Level at least 2A Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: GBDA 228/FINE 228 taken prior to fall 2017


GBDA 300s

Course ID: 013261
Global Digital Project 1
In this course, students will create critical design projects that explore the intersection of design, technology, and culture in a global context. Students will experiment with and prototype objects/systems that engage with contemporary ideas and technologies, while reflecting on how these objects/systems shape our everyday experiences. Students will be guided through one or more design cycles that unite design thinking with critical reflection through the practical application of theory.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: GBDA 202; Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

Course ID: 013262
Global Digital Project 2
In this course students will design, prototype, and evaluate interactive digital media projects, focusing on ideation and the design process. They will engage in the advanced study of digital culture, with an emphasis on different ways pleasure and play are leveraged as communication tools.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: GBDA 301 or GBDA 365; Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 303 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013263
Data and Society
In this course students will examine different digital phenomena, such as big data, open data, data-driven innovation, the personal information industry, the sharing economy, and the Internet of Things. Students will also become familiar with national and international principles of privacy protection.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 304 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 014240
Marketing in the Digital World
This course focuses on best practices in marketing and communication within a variety of sectors, while examining how emerging technologies present new opportunities to engage audiences.
[Note: Offered at Stratford Campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students.
Antireq: ECON 344/MGMT 244/ARBUS 302

GBDA 305 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013265
Global Development and Business
This course will look at the processes of industrialization and economic development and the relation of these processes to the present state of global economic interconnectedness.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 306 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 013266
Ethics and Values in Design
This course will explore the ethical responsibilities that emerge from the nexus of design, business, and globalization. Students will critically reflect upon the ethical considerations behind contemporary business and design practices.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 310 LAB,LEC 0.50
Course ID: 015588
Advanced User Experience Design and Research
The objectives of this course are to learn data collection, design, and analysis methodologies that are particularly useful for scientific user experience (UX) research. The course will review basic UX and usability methods, and cover topics ranging from contextual inquiry, cognitive task analysis, qualitative methods, and an introduction to quantitative statistical methods.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 311 LEC 0.50
Course ID: 015589
Introduction to Business Financials
In this course students will be exposed to a variety of techniques to interpret financial statements. Students will analyze balance sheets, income, and cash flow statements and will engage in the formulation of a comprehensive business plan.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 312 PRA 0.00
Course ID: 015617
Students must complete a paid internship, normally in the spring term after their 3B term. The content of the internship will be tied to the student's program of study and will be 16 weeks of full-time employment or equivalent. All self-arranged or shorter internships must be approved by your co-op advisor.
[Note: Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: Level at least 3B Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 365 LEC 2.50
Course ID: 014250
Study Abroad
Study abroad for academic transfer credit during a fall term. Discussion and approval of options with the advisor is required. Credit for specific courses will be evaluated following receipt of a transcript of academic results and supporting course outline documentation.
Department Consent Required


GBDA 400s

GBDA 402 PRJ 2.00
Course ID: 013270
Capstone Course: Cross-Cultural Digital Business
In this capstone course students will research, design, and adapt digital products and services to suit specific cultures or communities. They will work with external stakeholders, such as global industry consultants, community clients, and mentors, in order to iteratively develop and create functional design solutions that are economically and socially feasible.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students

Course ID: 015590
Seminar in User Experience Research
This seminar is an opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of a focus area in this field. The seminar-style course is designed to cover an emerging user experience (UX) research area through self-driven student work. Students will build a more comprehensive understanding of a UX research area and explore evidence-based UX research methods and techniques. Focus areas will vary in topic.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 412 LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015591
Special Topics in Digital Cultures
A study of selected topics in digital cultures. Topics will be chosen by the professor according to their area of specialization.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 413 LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015592
Special Topics in Design and Society
A study of selected topics in design and society. Topics will be chosen by the professor according to their area of specialization.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 414 LEC,PRJ 0.50
Course ID: 015593
Special Topics in Interaction Design
A study of selected topics in interaction design. Topics will be chosen by the professor according to their area of specialization.
[Note: Offered at Stratford campus.]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students

GBDA 465 LEC 2.50
Course ID: 014251
Study Abroad
Study abroad for academic transfer credit during a fall term. Discussion and approval of options with the advisor is required. Credit for specific courses will be evaluated following receipt of a transcript of academic results and supporting course outline documentation.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 4A Global Business and Digital Arts students