- Students should consult their faculty advisor regarding how courses with weights other than 0.5 units are counted for degree credit in their academic plan.
- Students should consult with the Music web page or the Department for the latest information on course offerings. Some courses are offered in rotation.
MUSIC 100s
Course ID: 006948
Fundamentals of Music Theory
An introduction to the primary skills of music practice emphasizing the reading and writing of musical notation. Students will learn elementary keyboard, listening, and sight-singing skills.
[Note: For students with minimal musical background. Does not fulfil Music major or minor requirements.]
Course ID: 006951
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Course ID: 006952
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 116
MUSIC 200s
Course ID: 006981
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 117
Course ID: 006982
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 216
Course ID: 006988
Music Studio
Individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, classical guitar, and orchestral instruments.
[Note: Royal Conservatory Grade 8 Level. Audition required. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Studio Fee.]
Department Consent Required
Coreq: One of MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417
Course ID: 006990
Music Cognition
The study of music from a behavioural science perspective. Topics include auditory perception, creativity and aesthetic experience, emotive human responses, and the social psychology of music activities. Recent research in the field of music cognition will be explored in detail.
Prereq: MUSIC 100 or 110
Course ID: 015136
Music as a Global Phenomenon
A survey of music studied in a cross-cultural perspective with regard to its sound, performance practices, meanings, and functions from selected world traditions found in the diverse cultures of Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America, Europe, and the Middle East.
Course ID: 015137
Musical Rhythms of the World
A study of rhythm in selected musics from oral traditions worldwide. The course emphasizes communal spirit, musical interaction, and human experience through theoretical and ethnographic studies, and hands-on workshops. It focuses on the development of rhythm skills, embodiment of new sounds, and acquisition of new tools for teaching, composing, and thinking about music. Experience a unique opportunity to study the rhythms of diverse music cultures, learn from guest artists, and play a range of percussion instruments including drums, bells, shakers, bronze metallophones, and gongs.
Course ID: 007001
Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600
A study of major developments in western music during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, including Gregorian chant, mass, secular songs, instrumental music, and other musical genres that flourished under courtly and church patronage from the early Christian church to 1600.
Course ID: 007002
Monteverdi to Mozart: Music from 1600-1800
A study of Baroque and Classical music of the 17th and 18th centuries in cultural, political, and artistic contexts. Topics include the development of opera, choral music, symphony, sonata, and the music of Monteverdi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, and others.
Course ID: 007003
The Romantic Century: Beethoven and Beyond
A study of music of the 19th century in cultural, political, and artistic contexts. Topics include the development of principal forms in the music of Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Chopin, Wagner, Verdi, Brahms, Bruckner, and others.
Course ID: 007004
Music Since 1900
A study of music of the 20th and early 21st centuries in cultural, political, and artistic contexts. Topics include modern and contemporary composers' challenges to traditional musical ideals in the music of Debussy, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Cage, and others.
Course ID: 007009
The Symphony
A survey of the great symphonies from Haydn to Stravinsky, through lectures and listening. A portion of the course will be devoted to works being performed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra during the term.
[Note: The ability to read music notation is not required.]
Course ID: 010205
An introduction to the themes, sources, forms, and nature of opera through selected works from Monteverdi to Britten. The course explores ways that drama is interpreted through music and considers opera in a broader context of social and artistic issues.
[Note: The ability to read music notation is not required.]
Course ID: 015138
Music for Vocal Ensemble
A survey of the great masterpieces for vocal ensemble from Medieval times to the present studied through reading, lecture, and listening. Principle choral genres of each historical era are studied and discussed including works performed by the Grand Philharmonic Choir during the term.
[Note: The ability to read music notation is not required.]
Course ID: 007018
Music Theory 1
The study of basic melodic, harmonic, and voice leading concepts including an introduction to figured bass and functional harmony. Ear-training, sight-singing, and keyboard lab sessions will be integrated with written and analytical work.
[Note: A basic knowledge of scales, triads, and music notation is required.]
Course ID: 007025
Music and Technology
A hands-on introduction to music and technology, including recording, audio editing, digital signal processing, and Musical Instrumental Digital Interface (MIDI). Course work will foster a practical understanding of digital music production software and techniques, and involve electroacoustic or acoustic composition.
[Note: Studio Fee]
Prereq: MUSIC 100 or 110
MUSIC 300s
Course ID: 007036
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 217
Course ID: 007037
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 316
Course ID: 007039
Music Studio
Individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, classical guitar, and orchestral instruments.
[Note: Studio Fee]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: MUSIC 100 or 110; 227, 270; Music majors and minors.
Coreq: One of MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417
Course ID: 007041
Aesthetics of Music
This course employs various methods to explore questions of musical meaning. Through study and discussion of selected sources from antiquity to the present, such themes as imitation, abstraction, beauty, and other debated issues will be examined in historical context and in relation to the other arts.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 015139
Music and Landscape
This course explores how landscape is represented in music from Vivaldi and Beethoven to popular genres and Canadian music. Topics include the role of landscape and music in cultural identity, ways in which music evokes space and place, music and the environment, soundscape, and site-specific music.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 007042
Women and Music
An examination of women's roles in music from a cross-cultural perspective. Topics may include women's music as a genre, historical accounts of women's music-making, and the effects of gender ideology on women's musical activities, behaviour, and performance.
Prereq: Level at least 2A.
Antireq: WS 334
(Cross-listed with GSJ 334)
Course ID: 015140
Perspectives in Music and Peace
This course examines music's role in peace and conflict from a variety of perspectives through listening, reading, discussion, and using examples from around the world. Topics include the use of music in dissent and resistance, and as an instrument of propaganda, conflict, and peacebuilding.
Prereq: Level at least 2A.
Antireq: MUSIC 391 taken winter 2015 and PACS 301 taken winter 2015
(Cross-listed with PACS 335)
Course ID: 007045
Music and Culture Travel Course
A spring term seminar approximately three weeks long, taught on location including daily lectures, attendance at music performances, and tours to places of cultural importance. Past and possible future locations include Vienna, London, Leipzig, South Africa, Morocco, Bali, and Estonia.
[Note: Additional costs will apply. This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 007050
Piano Literature
A study of music for solo piano from its 17th and 18th century antecedents to the present. Using historical and analytical approaches, individual works will be considered within a tradition of particular forms, genres, and styles.
Prereq: MUSIC 100 or 110
Course ID: 007051
The Church's Song
This course examines the origins of the music sung by the Christian church and its development up to the present. The course considers the Church's Song as theological, poetic, musical, cultural, and spiritual expression, and the use of songs in a variety of worship settings. Students will practice methods of song analysis, assess musical meaning, value and effects in various cultural contexts, and reflect on written and oral transmission of music.
(Cross-listed with RS 357, CMW 363)
Course ID: 007052
Worship and its Music
The nature of worship and the role of music within worship in historical, theological, and cultural perspectives. Field trips to services of various traditions.
[Note: This course fulfils an Area 2 requirement for Religious Studies majors.]
(Cross-listed with RS 358, CMW 364)
Course ID: 007059
Music Theory 4 (20th Century)
The study of the compositional aspects of 20th century music, including extended tonality, atonality, 12-tone writing, neo-classical idioms, and contemporary compositional procedures. Lab sessions will cover non-tonal melodic reading and complex chord structures.
Prereq: MUSIC 370
Course ID: 007064
Composition Seminar
An exploration of the discipline and craft of composing and arranging. Topics include choral, chamber ensemble, and orchestral techniques; electronic music; and charting for popular music. The course includes both score preparation and opportunities for recital performances of original works.
Prereq: MUSIC 271
MUSIC 400s
Course ID: 016091
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 317
Course ID: 016068
Music Ensemble
The study of selected music literature through rehearsals and performance in one of the Music Department ensembles: Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, University Choir, Vocal Techniques, Orchestra, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, World Music Ensemble. Regular attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
[Note: For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. Audition required for some ensembles. Contact music department prior to first day of class. Course will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.]
Prereq: MUSIC 416
Course ID: 013997
Music Studio
Individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, classical guitar, and orchestral instruments. Students perform a senior recital.
[Note: Studio Fee]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: MUSIC 426.
Coreq: One of MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417.
Antireq: MUSIC 427