OPTOM 100s
Course ID: 007086
Pathogenesis of human disease based on a molecular and cellular framework. Fundamental concepts such as homeostasis, cell injury, protective responses (inflammation, fever, immune response) and the healing process. Systemic pathophysiology: abnormal functions of the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, nervous system, urinary system, muscular system, respiratory system and digestive system.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 007088
Medical Microbiology
Bacterial physiology and genetics, normal flora, bacteria (including chlamydiae and rickettsiae), fungi, viruses, parasites and related diseases, with emphasis on molecular mechanisms of ocular disease and relevant ocular manifestations in appropriate topics.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 007089
Geometrical, Physical and Visual Optics
Nature of light, wave motion and superposition, rectilinear propagation, reflection and refraction, image formation and quality, optical properties of plane and curved surfaces, prisms and thin lenses. Apertures and pupils. Thick lens theory, lens systems, ray construction, Fraunhofer diffraction and resolution limit. Fresnel diffraction. Simple optical eye models. Refractive error and its correction. Interference and coherence of light:applications. Lasers.
Prereq: (PHYS 111, 111L, 112, and 112L) or (PHYS 121, 121L, 122 and 122L) and MATH 127; Optometry students only
Course ID: 012881
Histology of Tissues and Organs
The organization of human cells, tissues and organs. Cellular structure and function is presented as a foundation for understanding fundamental pathological constructs (e.g. carcinoma versus sarcoma). Detailed histology of major organ systems that are likely to have ocular manifestations when diseased. This coursework will provide the basis for subsequent courses in the pathobiology of ocular and systemic human disease.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 007092
Ocular Anatomy and Physiology
This course presents the detailed anatomy of the eye. The course includes histology, gross anatomy and physiology, as a basis for understanding how the various ocular structures function individually and interact with each other. The course emphasizes the processes operating to maintain the eye as a viable organ and provides a patho-physiological and clinical perspective of the implications of breakdown of these mechanisms.
Prereq: OPTOM 104; Optometry students only
Course ID: 012882
Human Gross Anatomy
A selective study of human gross anatomy as a basis for understanding disease. Strong emphasis is placed on head and neck anatomy, including the orbit, but thorough coverage of thorax, abdomen and pelvis is provided as well. Didactic material is illustrated in laboratory experience with prosected human cadavers, plasticized cadaveric material, anatomical models and computer-based learning tools.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 009975
Fundamentals of Visual Optics
Refraction and reflection of light by the surfaces of the eye. Optical properties of emmetropic and ametropic eyes as a function of growth and pupil size and their measurement. Properties of the retinal image including size, blur and quality and their relationship to imperfections of the optics. Light scattered in the eye. Relationships between the retinal image and visual perception. The retinal image and accommodation.
Prereq: OPTOM 106; Optometry students only
Course ID: 012883
An introduction to the vertebrate immune response; the cells and tissues of the lymphoid system; humoral and cell-mediated immunity; initiation and regulation of the immune response; the immune system and disease, techniques used in immunology. Unique features of the immunobiology of the eye are included.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Antireq: BIOL 441
Course ID: 009989
Colour Vision
An introduction to colour perception, colourimetry and colour discrimination. Characteristics of congenital and acquired colour vision deficiencies, colour vision test design and patient management.
[Note: Formerly OPTOM 339]
Prereq: OPTOM 109; Optometry students only
OPTOM 200s
Course ID: 007093
Systemic Disease
Etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis and management of diseases affecting the organs and tissues of the human body including: circulatory, hemopoietic/lymphoid, lungs/upper respiratory tract, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, liver/biliary tract, pancreas, urogenital system, endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, skin, nervous system diseases.
Prereq: OPTOM 103, 105; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007097
Ophthalmic Optics 1
Single vision spectacle lenses. Lens and frame materials. Optical and ophthalmic instrumentation. Image quality. Polarization. Tinted lenses. Decentration and prismatic effect. Obliquely crossed cylinders. Spectacle magnification. Ophthalmic laboratory procedures: measurement of spectacle lens power.
Prereq: OPTOM 106; Optometry students only
Course ID: 009957
Visual Perception 2: Monocular and Binocular Visual Processes
Physical space and visual space. Fundamental perceptual processes, binocular vision, stereopsis, binocular space perception. Systems of analysing binocular vision. Theory of aniseikonia. Perceptual aspects of aniseikonia.
Prereq: OPTOM 109; Optometry students only
Course ID: 009990
Neurophysiology of Vision
The neural processing of colour, brightness, movement and form by the retina, lateral geniculate, cortex, superior colliculus and other brain centres. Neural mechanisms underlying binocular depth perception, the accommodative response and eye movement.
Prereq: OPTOM 104, 114; Optometry students only
Course ID: 009956
Diseases of the Eye 1
Anterior segment disease including etiology, pathogenesis, signs, symptoms, differential diagnosis and management of diseases of the ocular adnexa and anterior segment of the eye: the lids, orbit and adnexa, conjunctiva, cornea, uvea, sclera, lens and cataract, the glaucomas and ocular emergencies.
Prereq: OPTOM 103, 105; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007102
Ophthalmic Optics 2
Multifocal spectacle lenses. Aberrations of thin lenses and spectacle lens design. Prescribing and fitting of spectacles. Environmental and occupational prescribing. Prescription analysis. Ophthalmic and visual standards. Computer vision syndrome. Ophthalmic laboratory procedures: measurement of complex spectacle lenses, and spectacle frame adjustment and repairs.
Prereq: OPTOM 106, 216; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007107
Clinical Ocular Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of ophthalmic drug design and delivery. Selection and use of ophthalmic diagnostic pharmaceutical agents, palliative agents and therapeutic pharmaceutical agents. Mechanism of action, contraindications and adverse drug reactions. Recommended guidelines for use and follow-up procedures.
Prereq: OPTOM 245, 231, 255; Optometry students only
Course ID: 009993
Clinical Techniques 3
Differential diagnosis and problem specific testing using a systems examination approach. Minimum database expectations. Record keeping, case presentations, counselling, referrals and report writing. Preparation for entry into Optometry Clinic including policy review and standards of practice. Observation and preliminary testing in the Optometry Clinic.
Prereq: OPTOM 242, 252; Optometry students only
Course ID: 009996
Strabismus and Aniseikonia
Detection and evaluation of sensory and motor characteristics of vision in aniseikonic, strabismic and nonstrabismic patients. Classifications, diagnoses, prognoses, and modes of therapy for aniseikonic, nonstrabismic, and strabismic patients.
Prereq: OPTOM 152, 219, 252; Optometry students only
OPTOM 300s
Course ID: 010388
Case Analysis and Optometric Therapies 1
The clinical application of the visual sciences. Emphasis is placed on the differential diagnostic method of analyzing clinical data with consideration given to appropriate clinical techniques, effective record keeping, recommended optometric therapies, and prognoses.
Prereq: (OPTOM 245, 255, 272) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 010389
Case Analysis and Optometric Therapies 2
A continuation of Optometry 342A. Emphasis is placed on the differential diagnostic method of analyzing clinical data with special emphasis on refractive and binocular vision conditions.
Prereq: OPTOM 342A; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007113
Ophthalmic Optics 3
Spectacle frame materials. Fitting and adjusting techniques. Selection of lens design. Lenses for high myopia. Dispensing of eye protectors. Optics of low vision aids. Patient counselling and management of dispensing problems. Laboratories provide experience in practical aspects of ophthalmic dispensing.
Prereq: (OPTOM 216, 246) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007115
Contact Lenses 1
Indications and contra-indications for contact lens wear. Lens selection and design. Fitting and evaluating rigid and hydrogel soft contact lenses. Physico-chemical and mechanical properties of contact lens materials. Optical and mathematical concepts. The ocular physiological response to contact lens wear. Care and maintenance of contact lenses.
Prereq: (OPTOM 143, 246, 252) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007118
Optometry Clinics
Students are assigned to various areas within the clinic where, under direct clinical faculty supervision, they participate in the provision of optometric services to clinic patients. In addition to primary care, they are exposed to the provision of contact lens, ocular health, and optical services.
Prereq: Level at least 3A Optometry students
Course ID: 007119
Optometry Clinics
Students are assigned to various areas within the clinic where, under direct clinical faculty supervision, they participate in the provision of optometric services to clinic patients. In addition to primary care, they are exposed to the provision of contact lens, ocular health, and optical services.
Prereq: Level at least 3A Optometry students
Course ID: 009992
Professional Ethics and Optometric Communication
A survey of alternative philosophical perspectives involved in resolution of sample ethical and moral issues confronting optometrists. Awareness of the explicit and implicit contents of written and vocal communications. An exploration of optometric communication issues related to letter and report writing, patient counselling, patient referral, fee presentation, and complaint management.
Prereq: Optometry students only
Course ID: 007128
Contact Lenses 2
Detection and management of chronic and acute complications induced by contact lenses. Contact lens management options for special conditions such as dry eye, aphakia, and keratoconus (and other corneal irregularities). Disposable lenses and replacement regimens. Extended wear options. Alternative management of refractive errors such as orthokeratology and refractive surgery. Contact lenses and presbyopia.
Prereq: (OPTOM 155/245, 347) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 010390
Diseases of the Eye 3
Advanced considerations of the etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and management of ocular disease. Emphasis will be placed on the clinical case management with therapeutic pharmaceutical agents.
Prereq: (OPTOM 245, 255) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 010391
Pediatric Optometry and Learning Disabilities
Optometric examination and management of infants, children, and patients with learning disabilities or multiple challenges. General child development and the development of the optical and sensory-motor functions of the visual system. Learning disabilities and related vision problems. The role of the optometrist in conjunction with parents, teachers, and psychologists.
Prereq: (OPTOM 152, 252) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 010392
Practice Management
Practice management issues relating to solo, associateships, contracts, the development and running of a clinical practice, opening a practice, staff training, dealing with complaints, data collection, practice promotion and marketing, advertising, financial and legal issues.
Prereq: Optometry students only
Course ID: 010393
Clinical Medicine for Optometric Practice
Overview of current medical diagnoses and management of systemic diseases with ocular involvement. History and physical examination (including neurological examination), clinical laboratory testing, and diagnostic imaging. Diseases of high prevalence including cardiovascular, cancer, endocrine, and neurological disorders.
Prereq: (OPTOM 215, 231) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
Course ID: 010394
Low Vision and Geriatrics
Aging and its effects on the visual system in both health and disease, care, and management of the aging patient. Assessment and management of visual impairment and disability, including both optical and non-optical therapies. Epidemiology and psychology of vision impairment, and associated rehabilitative services.
Prereq: (OPTOM 152, 252, 346) or advanced standing status; Optometry students only
OPTOM 400s
Course ID: 007132
Case Analysis 3
Building on analytical principles developed in OPTOM 342, this course involves student, case-based presentations in a grand rounds format. Each student chooses one, different, interesting case from his/her previous clinical experience. The student presents the case and answers questions related to the case and the patient's condition(s). Faculty discussants will direct the students in assessing the basic and clinical science features of the cases. Patient cases may be chosen from any aspect of optometric practice.
Prereq: Level at least 4A Optometry students only
Course ID: 007134
Optometry Research Proposal
An independent paper in the form of literature review on the student's area of interest, experimental design proposition, and preliminary data. Before registering in the course the student and the designated supervisor must submit to the coordinator a research proposal for the student's research area. The format of the paper is to be determined with the supervisor and may be in chapters, in journal style, or in an oral presentation, during the registered term, at seminar sessions (OPTOM 609/OPTOM 629).
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 007140
Optometry Research Project
An independent research project on an approved topic, supervised by a faculty member. This is the completion of the research proposal in OPTOM 441 and it is recommended that the format of the report, to be determined with the supervisor, follow the format selected for OPTOM 441.
Prereq: OPTOM 441; Optometry students only
Course ID: 007137
Clinical Clerkship 1
Supervised optometric patient care in one or more external clinical settings.This course is complementary to OPTOM 468 Clinical Clerkship 2 and includes optometric assessment, diagnosis and management of refractive errors, disorders and diseases of the eye and visual system, along with associated systemic conditions and practice management. [Offered: S, F, W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Optometry students only
Course ID: 007138
Clinical Clerkship 2
Supervised optometric patient care in one, or more, external clinical settings. This course is complementary to OPTOM 458 Clinical Clerkship 1 and includes optometric assessment, diagnosis and management of refractive errors, disorders and diseases of the eye and visual system, along with associated systemic conditions and practice management. [Offered: S, F, W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Optometry students only
Course ID: 007152
Clinical Techniques 4
This course will provide an opportunity for optometry students to discuss and evaluate clinical techniques, instrumentation, and ideologies not covered in the current curriculum. Students will be encouraged to use their basic knowledge of the vision sciences to provide a perceptive critique of the clinical subjects addressed.
Prereq: Optometry students only.
Course ID: 007136
Clinical Clerkship 3
Supervised optometric patient care in a variety of the University of Waterloo optometric clinical settings. Activities include assessment, diagnosis and management of disorders and diseases of the eye and visual system, along with associated systemic conditions, dispensing and fitting of optometric appliances and rehabilitative vision care. [Offered: S, F, W]
Prereq: Level at least 4A Optometry students only