SCBUS 100s
Course ID: 012255
Management of Business Organizations
This course uses case studies, project management, team/group dynamics, and strategies to explore the essential parameters that comprise the management of business organizations: planning, organization, leadership, control, and ethics. The course considers the importance of diversity/globalization, human resource management, a comparison of traditional and entrepreneurial leadership, and management as well as business ethics. [Offered: W]
Prereq: AFM 131/ARBUS 101; Honours Science and Business and Biotechnology/Chartered Professional Accountancy students only
Course ID: 008507
Workshop 1: Science and Business
This workshop addresses concepts of technology development and related marketing aspects that undertake an analysis of a firm's existence, its physical and/or social media presence, and customer feedback. Students work in collaborative teams to tackle case studies and class exercises. A major deliverable is the development of a team marketing plan, where market segments are identified based on revenue and market potential. This involves conducting a PESTLE and SWOT analysis, market planning, information retrieval strategies, scientific business forecasting, competitive intelligence, and product development. Results are presented orally and in writing. [Offered: F]
Prereq: First Year Science and Business students
SCBUS 200s
Course ID: 008512
Workshop 2: Strategies Behind Technological Innovation
This workshop is organized as a strategic management process, focusing on the management of technology, innovation, research and development in scientific team-based settings. Students working in groups analyze real business ventures, their launch, and growth, synthesizing major field research to develop a term deliverable in the form of a company report and final project presentation. Students engage in experiential learning involving theory, case studies, scientific team debates, and critical reasoning. [Offered: F]
Prereq: SCBUS 123; Honours Science and Business and Biotechnology/Economics students only
Course ID: 012665
Organizational Behaviour in Scientific and Technical Workplaces
This workshop uses case studies, lectures, and discussions to explore a basic understanding of how organizations work, and how people interact within organizations in order to achieve ethical human, organizational, and social objectives. This course considers organizational structure and models, ethics, organizational theory, organizational culture, motivation, diversity, negotiation, communication, leadership, and management, and how these principles are applied in start ups or scientific and technical environments. There is a major project that focuses on an aspect of organizational behavior in a scientific or technical firm or application, and is presented in writing and orally. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Honours Science and Business and Biotechnology/Chartered Accountancy students only
SCBUS 300s
Course ID: 008526
Workshop 3: Technology Development
A senior honours project focusing on technology innovation, assessment of the current utility of a technology, scale-up of the technology, projected return on investment and hurdles (production, regulatory, market competition, intellectual property protection). The major class project focuses on the development of a business plan for a product that could be commercialized. Applications, implications, cost benefit analysis, feasibility, etc. are included. [Offered: F]
Prereq: SCBUS 123, 223; Honours Science and Business and Biotechnology/Economics students only
SCBUS 400s
Course ID: 010041
Workshop 4: Strategic Management of Science and Business
Current real-world issues and problems in the strategic management of start-ups and scientific/technology companies are addressed, based on the use of publicly available information including research findings. Working in groups, students will address the topics to be pursued, including both scientific and business/economic aspects. Assignments result in a written strategic plan, which is formally presented to the class. [Offered: F]
Prereq: SCBUS 123, 223, 323; Honours Science and Business and Biotechnology/Economics students only
Course ID: 012256
Workshop 5: Special Topics in Science and Business
This capstone-project workshop addresses the formulation of firm-wide strategic plans (e.g., business cases, marketing plans, strategic plans) for science and technology based start-ups and traditional firms. It provides a framework for developing and implementing business strategies and the related documentation that fits a firm's environment, human resources, markets, managerial styles and organization. This course involves significant group work under the supervision of a Science and Business instructor. A written report and seminar presentation are required. A special capstone project is also required. [Offered: W]
Prereq: SCBUS 122, 123, 223, 323 and 423
Course ID: 012257
Workshop 6: Challenges in Globalizing Science and Technology
This workshop addresses the implications for Canadian science and technology based firms of competing in the global competitive environment. [Offered: W]
Prereq: Level at least 3A Science and Business students