(S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T S T U D I E S)
- The following courses are part of the Bachelor of Arts in Social Development Studies. Depending upon demand, courses may be subject to priority enrolment. First priority will be given to social development studies majors.
- For courses in Social Work in the Bachelor of Social Work program, see Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work). For information on admission to the post-BA Bachelor of Social Work, visit the School of Social Work's website.
SOCWK 100s
Course ID: 008748
Introduction to Social Work
This course provides an overview of the social work profession as part of the social welfare system in Canada, emphasizing Indigenous and Eurocentric histories, worldviews, values, ethics, and practice approaches, including individual, family, community, and structural settings.
[Note: SWREN 120R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
(Cross-listed with SWREN 120R)
SOCWK 200s
Course ID: 008749
Social Work with Individuals - Theory and Practice 1
A presentation of some of the theoretical constructs necessary for the understanding of the individual in the casework relationship, as well as an introduction to some appropriate casework interventions. Emphasis in the course will be theoretical.
[Note: SWREN 220R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R.
Antireq: SMF 301/311
(Cross-listed with SWREN 220R)
Course ID: 008750
Social Group Work
Presentation of some of the theoretical constructs necessary for an understanding of social group work as well as an introduction to methodology and interventions.
[Note: SWREN 221R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SWREN 221R)
Course ID: 008751
Community Organization
An examination of social work practice as it relates to functional and geographical communities. The course will explore the theoretical foundations of organization practice as well as a variety of models.
[Note: SWREN 222R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SWREN 222R)
Course ID: 008753
Palliative Care
An introduction to the concepts and practices in palliative care. Topics include historical and philosophical background, the hospice movement, current approaches in palliative care, the multi-discipline team, stress factors, suicide and cross-cultural beliefs of death, illness and loss as they affect the terminally ill and their families.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
SOCWK 300s
Course ID: 008755
Canadian Social Welfare Policy
This course will introduce students to the concept of social welfare as it has evolved in the post-industrial era. It will examine various social, economic and political factors that have shaped Canadian social welfare policy and it will consider present-day factors that are transforming that policy.
[Note: SWREN 300R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SWREN 300R)
Course ID: 011116
Understanding Diversity in Canada
This course explores the meaning of diversity in contemporary Canadian society through social work and social justice perspectives. Students will critically analyze the ideas of "self" and "others" across micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice. Concepts of power, privilege, oppression, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, multidimensionality, and intersectionality will be explored.
[Note: SWREN 301R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SWREN 301R)
Course ID: 008757
Social Work with Individuals - Theory and Practice 2
Considers some of the intellectual components of the social work skills necessary for working with individuals. Social work theories of the individual will be examined in order for the student to learn some clinical applications relevant to the casework relationship.
Prereq: SOCWK 220R
Course ID: 008758
Social Work with Families
Presentation of some of the theoretical constructs necessary for an understanding of the family in the social work relationship as well as an introduction to methodology and interventions.
[Note: SWREN 321R is available only to students who have been given conditional admission to the BSW program; such students must have already completed their first undergraduate degree.]
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SWREN 321R)
Course ID: 008760
Philosophy and History of Social Welfare
Social welfare from the 18th century to the present. The effects of religious, political, economic and cultural factors on social welfare, development, and the continuing influence of inherent attitudes, philosophies, and values on this complex institution. Focus on the Canadian social welfare system.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SDS 326R)
Course ID: 008767
Child Maltreatment: Identification and Prevention
The objectives of this course are to provide an understanding of the dimensions and causes of child maltreatment, to develop skills identifying cases of this social problem, and to explore current methods of management and treatment of persons involved in child maltreatment situations.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SDS 358R)
Course ID: 008768
Developmental Disabilities and the Family
This course explores the nature and extent of developmental disability in Canada. It reviews traditional approaches to support services and social work practice with people with disabilities and their families, and it examines how these have changed in response to social change movements and milestones. Students consider social work interventions with individuals and families from a strengths-based perspective emphasizing advocacy, empowerment, and social support.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
Course ID: 008769
Family Violence
An application of the principles and models of medical, psychogenic, and sociogenic adjustment to an understanding of family violence. The treatment of victims of family violence, the prevention of such violence and social policies affecting family welfare are considered.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
(Cross-listed with SDS 357R)
Course ID: 008770
Social Work in Health Care
Analysis of social work in the medical setting, concentrating on identification and treatment of emotional, family, and community aspects of illness. Emphasis is on the concrete application of professional social work to health care, while comparing medical and social work values and concepts of illness.
Prereq: SOCWK 120R
Course ID: 012192
Studies in Social Work
This course will deal with selected topics in social work. Subjects will be dependent upon the research and/or instructional interests of faculty.
[Note: Students wishing to take such courses should consult with the Social Development Studies undergraduate advisor. This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of three times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 008772
Family Violence: An Advanced Seminar
Social work concepts and practices introduced in preceding family violence courses will be considered in depth. Over the course of two terms, a seminar format will be used to explore etiological and intervention issues pertaining to the various forms of family violence.
[Note: A numeric grade for SOCWK 390A will be submitted only after completion of SOCWK 390B.]
Prereq: SOCWK 355R/SDS 358R and SOCWK 357R/SDS 357R
Course ID: 008773
Family Violence: An Advanced Seminar
A continuation of SOCWK 390A. Social work concepts and practices introduced in preceding family violence courses will be considered in depth. A seminar format will be used to explore etiological and intervention issues pertaining to the various forms of family violence.
Prereq: SOCWK 355R/SDS 358R and SOCWK 357R/SDS 357R
Course ID: 008774
Independent Study
An independent in-depth study of a selected area of concern to the student within the discipline of social work. Available to individuals or small groups of third- or fourth-year Social Development Studies students and arranged with one of the faculty members from the program.
[Note: Normally, a student may take only two of the Independent Studies courses, SDS 398R, 399R; PSYCH 398R, 399R; SOCWK 398R, 399R; SOC 398R, 399R.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 008775
Independent Study
An independent in-depth study of a selected area of concern to the student within the discipline of social work. Available to individuals or small groups of third- or fourth-year Social Development Studies students and arranged with one of the faculty members from the program.
[Note: Normally, a student may take only two of the Independent Studies courses, SDS 398R, 399R; PSYCH 398R, 399R; SOCWK 398R, 399R; SOC 398R, 399R.]
Department Consent Required
SOCWK 400s
Course ID: 013098
Senior Seminar in Special Topics
Senior seminars may include weekly readings, individual and/or group projects, class presentations and discussions, research proposals, essay/literature reviews, assignments, midterms, and final exams. Consult departmental listings for topics and prerequisites for the current year.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of three times.]
Prereq: 1.0 unit of SOCWK; Level at least 3A
Course ID: 013102
Special Studies
An independent, in-depth study, based on empirical research and/or extensive reading in social work under the direction of individual instructors in social work. Available to individuals or small groups of Social Development Studies majors and arranged with one of the faculty members from the plan. The project must be approved by the academic supervisor of the course prior to registration.
[Note: Normally, a student may take only two of the following: PSYCH 490R, SOC 490R, SOCWK 490R, SDS/ISS 490R, SDS/ISS 499A and SDS/ISS 499B.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 3A Social Development Studies majors