Laboratory sessions and rehearsal periods may be added to any course at the discretion of the instructor.
Course ID: 004661
Introduction to Theatre
This course introduces students to processes of theatre creation including textual analysis, conceptual development, design, rehearsal, production, performance, audience engagement, and self-evaluation. Students develop original productions of influential works while paying close attention to the works' relevance and issues such as race, gender, and sustainability.
[Note: Prior experience in theatre-making is not required.]
Course ID: 004662
Introduction to Performance
This workshop course introduces students to the creative processes of performance in a range of formal and informal settings. Emphasis is placed on the student's development as a performer.
[Note: Prior performance experience is not required.]
(Cross-listed with COMMST 102)
Course ID: 016358
Introduction to Black Arts, Culture, and Literature
This course examines the evolution and development of Black Peoples' artistic, cultural, and literary experiences from a global perspective including art and design, theatre and performance, literature, music, spoken word, and other modes of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary practice. Coursework is designed to immerse students in analyzing Black art, culture, and literature through intersectional, feminist, and queer lenses. The course is designed for both thinkers and creators. Students will engage in the course material through readings, viewings, and field trips around film, comics, anime, popular culture events, plus the visual and performing arts.
(Cross-listed with VCULT 112, COMMST 112, BLKST 102)
Course ID: 015845
Introduction to Critical Design Practices
How does design help us think? This studio course introduces students to practice-based methods for generating knowledge. Topics may include prototyping, performance as research, material thinking, multi-modal representation, and experience design. Students will test and explore how we learn differently through creative practices.
(Cross-listed with COMMST 149, DAC 209)
Course ID: 004660
Theatre and Performance in Context
Students experience, analyze, and interpret a range of works of theatre and performance. Close attention is paid to the original circumstances in which these works were produced, the ways in which they have reflected and influenced the communities that produced them, and their relevance to current performance practice and research.
Course ID: 012417
Performance Studies
This workshop course in performance studies explores performance as a way of knowing. It investigates performance as artistic practice and as a means of understanding historical, social, and cultural practices, including drama/theatre texts, poetry, narratives, and texts of everyday life.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
(Cross-listed with COMMST 220)
Course ID: 016408
Black Performance Studies
This course explores the genealogies and historical development of Black performance created in regions such as North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe. Students will examine the influences of key artists and theorists. Students will be challenged to apply historical, political, and cultural contexts to the analysis of audio, text-based, and/or audio-visual materials. This course expands students' concepts of Black performance to include performative modes such as performance poetry, TV shows, music, and podcasts.
Prereq: Level at least 2A or students pursuing the Diploma in Black Studies or the Diploma in Fundamentals of Anti-Racist Communication
(Cross-listed with COMMST 224, BLKST 224)
Course ID: 004668
Technical Production 1
Students develop basic proficiency in the technical elements of intermedial performance and design, including carpentry, lighting, video, projection, sound, wardrobe, and properties. Students apply these concepts in a performance creation project.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 004669
Technical Production 2
Students develop intermediate proficiency in the technical elements of intermedial performance and design, including carpentry, lighting, video, projection, sound, wardrobe, and properties. Students apply these concepts in a performance creation project, normally a departmental production.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 014897
Design for Performance Media
Students explore theories and practices of design for performance media including set/space, light, projection, video, sound, and/or costume. In this studio course, emphasis is placed on the ways in which media establish and disrupt performance conventions, changing our relationship to the media themselves and to the world around us.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 014914
Project Management in the Arts
This course introduces students to principles of project management relevant in a broad range of contexts including theatre, dance, film, and digital media production. Students explore arts management concepts such as budgeting, communication, scheduling, leadership, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. Concepts are applied in case studies that accommodate individual student interests.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 011907
Performance Technologies
Students explore the development of material and digital technologies of performance and their significance in historical and current social contexts. Close attention is paid to the ways in which performance technologies shape and are shaped by communication practices and aesthetics in, for example, art, science, games, and public life.
Prereq: Level at least 2B
Course ID: 014884
Gender and Performance
This course explores how gender is performed on the stage and in the media. Key performances and performers are studied from the perspectives of critical feminist theory and performance studies. Students consider how performances can create, affirm, and disrupt how society understands and performs gender.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 004678
Performance Creation
Students study, apply, and critique a range of processes for making performance in a range of media, paying close attention to the relationship between the approach to creation and the significance of works in the communities where they are performed.
Prereq: THPERF 243
Course ID: 004680
Production Participation 3
Students work at an intermediate level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to explore and increase proficiency in specific areas of performance creation. Areas include research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 004681
Production Participation 4
Students work at an intermediate level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to explore and increase proficiency in specific areas of performance creation. Areas include research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 014888
Production Participation 5
Students work at an intermediate level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to explore and increase proficiency through extensive contributions to specific areas of performance creation. Areas include research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 014889
Production Participation 6
Students work at an intermediate level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to explore and increase proficiency through extensive contributions to specific areas of performance creation. Areas include research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Course ID: 004708
Performance History
This course explores significant case studies in performance history drawn from the earliest historical records of performance to recent performance events in a variety of social contexts. Close attention is paid to historiographical research methods and the ways they determine our understanding of the past.
Prereq: Level at least 2B
Course ID: 014890
Sustainability in Design
Students explore the interchange between performance design and sustainability. Emphasis will be placed on ecological and systems thinking as students engage with theoretical and practical projects throughout the term.
Prereq: Level at least 3A
Course ID: 011182
Political Performance
This course offers a practical and applied examination of how various forms of performance may bring about an experience of political conscientization because creating a performance can be considered a process of political enlightenment and engagement.
Prereq: Level at least 3A
Course ID: 014891
Race and Performance
This course explores the ways critical race and performance studies can help us understand English language-based performance in the 20th and 21st centuries. Close attention is paid to the primary historical, political, and cultural contexts that inform the creation, development, and presentation of performance works.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 014892
Mixed Reality Design
This course explores design for material-world experiences that incorporate virtual, augmented, and/or extended reality technologies. Emphasis is placed on the relationships among different modes of perception and how they affect our understanding of the real and the virtual.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 016400
Black Theatre in Practice
A workshop that explores the history, dramatic literature, and performance of Black theatre artists. Students will explore the relationship of Black theatre to artistic and public life. Special attention may be given to specific issues, periods, locations, and genealogies of Black theatre. Students will create performance pieces.
Prereq: BLKST 101 or BLKST 102; Level at least 2A or students pursuing the Diploma in Black Studies or the Diploma in Fundamentals of Anti-Racist Communication
(Cross-listed with BLKST 380)
Course ID: 005166
Shakespeare 1
A study of the plays written before 1599-1600, excluding Julius Caesar.
Prereq: Level at least 3A.
Antireq: DRAMA 386
(Cross-listed with ENGL 362)
Course ID: 005167
Shakespeare 2
A study of the plays written after 1599-1600, including Julius Caesar.
Prereq: Level at least 3A.
Antireq: DRAMA 387
(Cross-listed with ENGL 363)
Course ID: 016189
Audience Engagement
Students explore, critique, and apply approaches to audience engagement in a range of public art, performance, and design contexts. Key issues include the roles of audiences in the making and interpretation of art and design; the economic, social, and political factors that shape existing approaches to engaging audiences; and the short and long-term impacts of audience engagement practices in local and global communities. Students develop a plan for audience engagement in a public art, performance, or design event.
Prereq: Level at least 2A
Course ID: 014893
Collaborative Performance Project
Students work at an advanced, independent level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to create and reflect upon a major, collaborative performance project. As core members of the creative team, students engage in all areas of project creation, including research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: One of THPERF 306, 307, 316, 317; Theatre and Performance majors
Course ID: 004715
Production Participation 7
Students work at an advanced, independent level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to create and reflect upon a major, collaborative performance project. Students engage in all areas of project creation, including research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: One of THPERF 306, 307, 316, 317
Course ID: 004716
Production Participation 8
Students work at an intermediate level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to explore and increase proficiency in specific areas of performance creation. Areas include research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: One of THPERF 306, 307, 316, 317
Course ID: 014894
Production Participation 9
Students work at an advanced, independent level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to create and reflect upon a major, collaborative performance project. Through extensive contributions to production, students engage in all areas of project creation, including research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: One of THPERF 306, 307, 316, 317
Course ID: 014895
Production Participation 10
Students work at an advanced, independent level with faculty, staff, and visiting artists to create and reflect upon a major, collaborative performance project. Through extensive contributions to production, students engage in all areas of project creation, including research, conception, writing, direction, design, performance, production, stage management, production management, publicity, dramaturgy, critique, and documentation.
[Note: This is a repeatable course, subject to different content; it may be completed a total of four times.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: One of THPERF 306, 307, 316, 317
Course ID: 011906
Performative Inquiry and Practice
This course explores how to create, perform, and analyze performance texts, here defined as including drama/theatre texts, poetry, narratives, and the texts of everyday life. Through readings and creative investigation, students will explore the links between the participant, the researcher, the site, and the impulse of inquiry.
Prereq: Level at least 3A
(Cross-listed with COMMST 440)
Course ID: 004740
Senior Seminar
This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to complete a comprehensive presentation in their major area of concentration.
[Note: A grade for THPERF/COMMST 499A will be submitted only after the completion of THPERF/COMMST 499B.]
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 4A Honours Theatre and Performance
(Cross-listed with COMMST 499A)
Course ID: 004741
Senior Seminar
This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to complete a comprehensive presentation in their major area of concentration. Second part of THPERF/COMMST 499.
Department Consent Required
Prereq: Level at least 4A Honours Theatre and Performance
(Cross-listed with COMMST 499B)