University of Waterloo

Link to current Undergraduate Calendar

The 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

Information on tuition and other fees applies, except as may otherwise be indicated, to the 1997-1998 fiscal year of the University which commences May 1, 1997. Information relating to academic course and program regulations is that for the Fall/Winter/Spring academic cycle which commences in September, 1997.


Students are governed by the academic regulations in place for their program at the time they are admitted to a program until graduation or until withdrawal.

The Undergraduate Calendar is published by the Office of the Registrar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Canada

Contact Information: Need academic advisement help? If so, please direct your inquiry to the appropriate Undergraduate Faculty Advisor by visiting
the Undergraduate Faculty Advisors page on the Registrar's Office website for contact information. All other inquiries may be directed to: